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Oracle > 实例探究 > Transition Technologies 使用 Oracle 云基础设施将部署时间减半

Transition Technologies 使用 Oracle 云基础设施将部署时间减半

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 Transition Technologies Accelerates Deployment with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - IoT ONE Case Study
  • 网络安全和隐私 - 云安全
  • 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云计算
  • 水泥
  • 建筑与基础设施
  • 维护
  • 施工管理
  • 基础设施检查
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
  • 系统集成

Transition Technologies PSC 是波兰软件公司Transition Technologies 控股公司的成员。自 1991 年以来,TT 一直在为国内和国际客户开发软件系统和现代技术解决方案。

Transition Technologies PSC 专门为制造业创建 IT 解决方案,尤其是互联产品


“LUXtrade 完全由内部开发。近 20 年来,我们一直在欧洲本地实施它。几年前,我们也开始将其作为软件即服务提供,”服务部门主管 Grzegorz Mazurek 说。能源行业面临挑战,需要一个具有 RES 管理、算法交易、预测和数据分析的高效解决方案。该公司正在努力实现所有这些目标,但相信只有使用 Oracle 技术才能实现其目标。

然而,当客户要求在云中使用 LUXtrade 时,Transition Technologies 不得不在短短六个月内争先恐后地部署云解决方案。


20 多年来,Transition Technologies(及其子公司 Transition Technologies Systems)一直在使用 Oracle 数据库以及 Oracle RAC 和 Oracle Data Guard 等补充技术。下一步自然是采用 Oracle 云基础设施 (OCI) 和 Oracle 标准数据库服务,以使公司的应用程序在 SaaS 模型中可用。

与传统的本地基础设施方法相比,Transition Technologies 选择 OCI 是因为它的高性能、易于管理和显着的成本节约。

选择 Oracle 的另一个关键因素是许多安全服务的可用性,例如 Oracle Vulnerability Scanning Service、Oracle Threat Intelligence Service、Oracle Web Application Firewall、Oracle Cloud Guard 和 Oracle Data Safe,Transition Technologies 将这些服务用于数据和基础设施安全。

  • The adoption of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure brought about significant operational improvements for Transition Technologies. The company can now quickly deploy a demo version or a prototype of LUXtrade, allowing them to demonstrate the benefits of their system before the actual installation of their modules. This has made it easier and faster to showcase the capabilities and benefits of LUXtrade to prospective customers. Additionally, security has been enhanced with OCI, as the services are always up-to-date and maintain complete separation between each customer’s deployments, thereby helping to protect data privacy. The move to OCI has also opened up new business opportunities for Transition Technologies, as they can now offer LUXtrade in a software-as-a-service model.
  • The deployment of LUXtrade on OCI took half the time (5.5 months) compared to an on-premises installation.
  • Transition Technologies can now scale computing power and disk space as the number of customers grows, without spending time and effort to maintain the infrastructure.
  • Significant cost savings were achieved by moving to OCI compared to maintaining an on-premises infrastructure.

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