- 应用基础设施与中间件 - 数据库管理和存储
- 基础设施即服务 (IaaS) - 云数据库
- 农业
- 水泥
- 楼宇自动化与控制
- 农场监控与精准农业
União Fazendas 是一款专门销售巴西农场的房地产应用程序。该应用程序是为巴西客户 Anderson Serodio 构建的。该应用程序为农场的卖家和买家提供服务。卖家可以免费为他们的农场做广告,提供有关农场特点的详细信息和媒体。另一方面,买家可以根据各种规格搜索农场,并请求联系他们感兴趣的农场。该应用程序还为管理员提供了一个仪表板,用于管理和批准广告农场并处理联系请求。
União Fazendas 是一款专门销售巴西农场的房地产应用程序,它面临着有效连接卖家和买家的挑战。传统的农场买卖过程非常耗时,而且缺乏一个集中的平台,卖家可以在平台上宣传他们的农场,而买家也可以根据自己的具体需求轻松搜索农场。客户 Anderson Serodio 希望在短时间内获得最小可行产品 (MVP)。我们面临的挑战是创建一个用户友好的平台,可以处理各种规格并为买家和卖家提供无缝体验。
Welby G Stehling Andreatta 是一位经验丰富的软件和 Web 开发人员,他使用无代码平台 Bubble 构建了 União Fazendas。这使他能够快速开发出功能齐全的 MVP。该应用程序允许卖家免费发布和宣传他们的农场,而买家则可以使用各种规格搜索农场。每个农场列表都会指向一个详细页面,如果有兴趣,用户可以在其中请求联系。卖家还可以上传照片、视频和其他文档,并通过仪表板管理他们的联系信息和广告农场。应用程序管理员可以查看、批准和编辑每个广告农场、访问所有用户数据以及管理联系请求。使用Bubble的无代码平台可以快速开发和部署应用程序,满足客户快速周转的需求。
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Case Study
Intelligent Farming with ThingWorx Analytics
Z Farms was facing three challenges: costly irrigation systems with water as a limited resource, narrow optimal ranges of soil moisture for growth with difficult maintenance and farm operators could not simply turn on irrigation systems like a faucet.

Case Study
System 800xA at Indian Cement Plants
Chettinad Cement recognized that further efficiencies could be achieved in its cement manufacturing process. It looked to investing in comprehensive operational and control technologies to manage and derive productivity and energy efficiency gains from the assets on Line 2, their second plant in India.

Case Study
Greenhouse Intelligent Monitoring and Control Solution
Farming Orchids is the most successful form of precision farming in Taiwan, and also the most exported flower. Orchids need a specific temperature and humidity conditions to grow and bloom, and its flowering time may not be in line with market demands, so the price collapses when there is overproduction. Therefore, some farmers began to import automated greenhouse control systems for breeding and forcing, which not only improves quality, but also effectively controls the production period and yield to ensure revenue. In 2012, an orchid farmer built a Forcing Greenhouse of about 200 pings (approximately 661 Square Meters) in Tainan, Taiwan. The system integrator adopted Advantech’s APAX-5000 series programmable automation controllers to build the control platform, coupled with Advantech WebAccess HMI/SCADA software, to achieve cloud monitoring. The staff of the orchid field can monitor important data anytime via smart phone, iPad, and other handheld devices, and control the growth and flowering conditions. System requirements: In the past, most environmental control systems of orchid greenhouses in Taiwan used PLCs (Programmable Logic Controller) with poorscalability and control, and could not be connected to the Internet formonitoring from the cloud. For advanced database analysis and networking capability, the PC platform must be adopted. Therefore, PAC Systems (Programmable Automation Controller) with both PLC programming capabilities andPC functions is a better choice.The environmental control of the Orchid greenhouse switches on and off devices like fan, shade net, cooling/heat pump, liquid flow control, water-cooling wall etc. It is controlled by a control panel of electric controllers, and is driven by a motor, to adjust the greenhouse temperature, humidity, and other environmental conditions to the set parameters.

Case Study
Precision beekeeping with wireless temperature monitoring
Honeybees are insects of large economic value and provide a vital service to agriculture by pollinating a variety of crops. In addition, bees provide us with valuable products such as honey, beeswax, propolis, bee venom, etc. Monitoring of honeybee colony health, population, productivity, and environmental conditions affecting the colony health have always been exceedingly difficult tasks in apiculture. Research has shown that even small deviations (by more than 2°C) from the optimal temperatures have a significant influence on the development of the brood and the health of adult bees.