- 功能应用 - 车队管理系统 (FMS)
- 网络与连接 - 蜂窝
- 物流运输
- 车队管理
Isotrak 是为一些最大的财富 500 强公司和全球前 25 大食品零售商中的六家提供车队管理软件解决方案和系统集成的供应商。凭借其 ATMSi 运输管理系统,客户获得实时
Isotrak 知道对交付车队的需求在不断变化,客户需要更深入地了解车队运营,因此它使用商业智能数据为零售商和制造商提供运输生态系统的总体愿景。 Isotrak 扩展了其实时 ATMSi 车队管理系统的功能,提供集成的供应链解决方案,通过强大的警报和报告功能访问实时数据。由于全球 25% 的顶级食品零售商使用 Isotrak 产品,Isotrak 需要更快地访问其 IoT/M2M 部署的分析——以可靠的报告方法和较低的总拥有成本交付。
Isotrak 求助于端到端物联网和 M2M 服务的运营商和技术提供商 Aeris,它使其他运营商能够建立有利可图的物联网业务,提供可靠的移动网络,优化以满足全球车队管理系统的需求,同时提供可操作的IoT/M2M 解决方案的可见性。 “我们的车队管理系统提供先进的数据和报告方案,以全面了解运输生态系统,”Isotrak 的销售和营销总监 Jason Price 解释道。 “无论我们的客户身在何处,我们都希望确保可靠的连接服务和数据洞察力。通过将我们的解决方案与 Aeris 的物联网网络解决方案相辅相成,我们能够提供强大的全球解决方案,远远超出改进的连接性和具有竞争力的费率计划。我们的客户触手可及地访问实时、有用的信息,这有助于改善他们的成本结构。” Aeris 为 GSM、CDMA 和 LTE 等主要蜂窝技术标准提供全球支持,这使 Isotrak 能够为其客户提供灵活性和全球增长潜力。此外,Aeris 灵活的定价模式意味着 Isotrak 可以与 Aeris 合作,而无需承担初始巨额财务支出的负担。在 Aeris 网络的支持下,Isotrak 为希望通过数据分析降低数据成本并提高运营效率的远程信息处理和车队管理客户提供解决方案。带有专用虚拟网络的 Aeris 系统内置的安全性使 Isotrak 及其客户高枕无忧,使他们能够专注于保持竞争优势。
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Case Study
IoT-based Fleet Intelligence Innovation
Speed to market is precious for DRVR, a rapidly growing start-up company. With a business model dependent on reliable mobile data, managers were spending their lives trying to negotiate data roaming deals with mobile network operators in different countries. And, even then, service quality was a constant concern.

Case Study
Vehicle Fleet Analytics
Organizations frequently implement a maintenance strategy for their fleets of vehicles using a combination of time and usage based maintenance schedules. While effective as a whole, time and usage based schedules do not take into account driving patterns, environmental factors, and sensors currently deployed within the vehicle measuring crank voltage, ignition voltage, and acceleration, all of which have a significant influence on the overall health of the vehicle.In a typical fleet, a large percentage of road calls are related to electrical failure, with battery failure being a common cause. Battery failures result in unmet service agreement levels and costly re-adjustment of scheduled to provide replacement vehicles. To reduce the impact of unplanned maintenance, the transportation logistics company was interested in a trial of C3 Vehicle Fleet Analytics.

Case Study
Zonar Takes the Wheel with a M2M Solution
Zonar’s fleet management solutions collect, report and analyze data before, during and after a vehicle’s trip. The company needed Machine-to-Machine (M2M) connectivity to enable communication between in-vehicle devices and back-end systems. To deliver high volumes of potentially sensitive information from and to moving vehicles – and keep pace with its rapid business growth – Zonar wanted a highly secure solution that it could easily manage and that had the required national and global reach.