- 传感器 - 自动驾驶传感器
- 传感器 - 激光雷达/激光扫描仪
- 汽车
- 电子商务
- 仓库和库存管理
- 物体检测
- 虚拟原型与产品测试
- 云规划/设计/实施服务
- 培训
Velodyne Lidar 是一家制造激光雷达传感器以实现安全导航和自治的公司。他们革命性的传感器和软件解决方案满足广泛的行业需求,包括机器人、工业、基础设施和汽车。 Velodyne 的激光雷达可在各种光线和天气条件下生成高质量的点云,并具有先进的传感器间干扰缓解、功效和热性能。他们的客户(包括电子商务零售商和人行道机器人项目)使用 Velodyne 配备激光雷达的机器人技术,在履行、交付和数据中心运营中进行准确的对象检测、分类和路径估计。
Velodyne Lidar 是一家为各行业的安全导航和自主制造激光雷达传感器的公司,在管理和从收集的大量传感器数据中选择相关训练数据方面面临着挑战。数据团队发现对常见的室内机器人场景进行分类相对容易,因为这些场景构成了测试机器人捕获的数据集的很大一部分。然而,发现更罕见的场景,例如仓库员工在剪叉式升降机顶部堆放箱子,被证明是一项艰巨的任务。该团队需要一个开箱即用的解决方案,为高效的数据选择和管理提供必要的工具。
Velodyne Lidar 采用了 Scale Nucleus,该工具使他们能够对 3D 传感器融合数据中的边缘情况进行排序。机器学习团队捕获图像数据以及激光雷达点云,并使用 Scale Nucleus 中的对象自动标记功能来查询、浏览和查找相似图像。这些图像与场景中的 3D 点云相关联,使 Velodyne 能够仅捕获感兴趣的点云。通过点云场景,Nucleus 支持多模态数据,允许团队使用 Nucleus 内置的模型库、对象自动标记甚至自然语言文本查询来搜索 2D 图像数据,以检索相关 3D 激光雷达数据中的边缘情况或特殊示例。
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Case Study
Integral Plant Maintenance
Mercedes-Benz and his partner GAZ chose Siemens to be its maintenance partner at a new engine plant in Yaroslavl, Russia. The new plant offers a capacity to manufacture diesel engines for the Russian market, for locally produced Sprinter Classic. In addition to engines for the local market, the Yaroslavl plant will also produce spare parts. Mercedes-Benz Russia and his partner needed a service partner in order to ensure the operation of these lines in a maintenance partnership arrangement. The challenges included coordinating the entire maintenance management operation, in particular inspections, corrective and predictive maintenance activities, and the optimizing spare parts management. Siemens developed a customized maintenance solution that includes all electronic and mechanical maintenance activities (Integral Plant Maintenance).

Case Study
Monitoring of Pressure Pumps in Automotive Industry
A large German/American producer of auto parts uses high-pressure pumps to deburr machined parts as a part of its production and quality check process. They decided to monitor these pumps to make sure they work properly and that they can see any indications leading to a potential failure before it affects their process.