- 网络安全和隐私 - 网络安全
- 传感器 - 温度传感器
- 矿业
- 国家安全与国防
- 库存管理
- 篡改检测
- 系统集成
兖矿集团是一家总部位于中国诸城的大型企业集团。该公司拥有50家子公司,在中国和澳大利亚开展业务。拥有员工 10 万人,年销售额 112.58 亿元人民币(33.4 亿美元)。该公司涉足能源和采矿业,重点关注采矿、煤炭、化工和建筑。它管理着复杂且不断扩展的 IT 环境,拥有多达 50 个子公司、80 个分支机构网络和 20,000 名计算机用户。
兖矿集团是一家位于中国诸城的大型企业集团,在管理其 50 家子公司的 IT 和安全方面面临着重大挑战。该公司需要改善其分支机构和远程工作人员的安全访问,其中包括多达 80 个分支机构网络和 20,000 名计算机用户。 IT环境的复杂性因多个系统上运行的大量不同应用程序而进一步放大,例如ERP、医疗保险、办公自动化、电子邮件、企业网站和生产自动化。传统的防病毒软件和服务器访问控制列表不足以保护其基础设施。该公司还需要一个可管理且灵活的系统,可以随着 IT 基础设施的扩展而扩展。
Check Point 为兖矿集团提供了全面的安全解决方案。该解决方案包括具有无与伦比的可扩展性、高性能和可靠性的集成 VPN 软件刀片、用于远程访问的 SSL VPN 以及用于交钥匙安全的 IP 设备。该公司在整个网络的阻塞点采用了 50 个 Check Point IP 设备,采用双集群方式。专用线路将数据中心连接到关键节点,而辅助节点和移动用户则通过多路访问 VPN 连接。 Check Point 还确保远程工作人员即使在互联网连接不稳定的地方也可以访问他们所需的应用程序。笔记本电脑和 PDA 的远程访问通过 SSL VPN 进行保护。该解决方案允许从一个位置实时监控和管理安全性,从而以更低的成本提供更高的安全性。
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Case Study
Underground Mining Safety
The goal was to produce a safety system to monitor and support underground mining operations; existing systems were either too simple (i.e. phone line) or overly complex and expensive, inhibiting deployment, and providing little-to-no support in event of an accident. Given the dangerous nature of the mining work environment and the strict regulations placed on the industry, the solution would have to comply with Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations. Yet the product needed to allow for simple deployment to truly be a groundbreaking solution - increasing miner safety and changing daily operations for the better.
Case Study
Mining Firm Quadruples Production, with Internet of Everything
Dundee Precious Metal’s flagship mine, in Chelopech, Bulgaria, produces a gold, copper, and silver concentrate set a goal to increase production by 30%. Dundee wanted to increase production quality and output without increasing headcount and resources, improve miner safety, and minimize cost.
Case Study
Fastenal Builds the Future of Manufacturing with MachineMetrics
Fastenal's objective was to better understand their machine downtime, utilization, quality issues, and to embrace cutting-edge manufacturing technology/process improvement capabilities to bring their team to the next level. However, there was a lack of real-time data, visualization, and actionable insights made this transition impossible.
Case Study
Joy Mining Systems
Joy equipment faces many challenges. The first is machine integration and control. The business end of the machine has a rapidly-spinning cylinder with 6-inch diamond-studded cutting teeth. It chews through rock at rates measured in tens of tons per minute. The system grinds through the rock in front, creating a rectangular mine tunnel. Hydraulic lifters support the ceiling as the machine moves forward. Automated drills and screws drive 3-ft long screws into the ceiling to stabilize it. The rock and coal fall into a set of gathering "fingers" below the cutting cylinder. These fingers scoop up the rock and coal and deposit it onto a conveyor belt. The conveyor passes under the machine and out the back. A train of conveyor belt cars, up to a mile long, follows the cutter into the mine. The rock shoots along this train at over 400 feet per minute until it empties into rail cars at the end. Current systems place an operator cage next to the cutter. Choking dust (potentially explosive), the risk of collapse and the proximity of metal and rock mayhem make the operator cage a hazardous location.
Case Study
Data Capture for Afghanistan Forces
Electronic equipments on the field of Afghanistan provided information on the status of the vehicle and to identify potential threats surrounding it to the British Force. The monitoring and interpretation of this data requires robust and sophisticated digitization for data capture and communication.