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Fivetran > 实例探究 > Yardzen 使用 Fivetran 简化数据管道并增强分析

Yardzen 使用 Fivetran 简化数据管道并增强分析

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  • 功能应用 - 计算机化维护管理系统 (CMMS)
  • 平台即服务 (PaaS) - 应用开发平台
  • 建筑物
  • 水泥
  • 维护
  • 销售与市场营销
  • 楼宇自动化与控制
  • 时间敏感网络
  • 云规划/设计/实施服务
  • 数据科学服务
Yardzen 成立于 2018 年,是一家在线景观设计公司,为房主与才华横溢的景观设计师配对,打造量身定制的庭院设计。这家价值数百万美元的企业通过为房主和承包商等提供从根本上更好的体验,改变了景观设计和建造流程。 Yardzen 的数据工程主管 Andrea Kyrala 负责将公司众多 SaaS 工具和产品数据库中的数据集成到 BigQuery 中,并建立灵活且安全的数据架构,其中包括采购、管道创建和维护。该公司拥有 150 名员工,支持营销、业务运营和领导力等部门。
Yardzen 是一家在线景观设计公司,在管理其数据管道方面面临着重大挑战。该公司的数据工程主管 Andrea Kyrala 的任务是将来自众多 SaaS 工具和产品数据库的数据集成到 BigQuery 中,并建立灵活且安全的数据架构。然而,在内部构建 BigQuery 的自定义管道是一个耗时的过程,通常需要花费数周的时间来挖掘 API 文档。此外,ETL 管道很脆弱,经常需要密集维护。分析师和营销人员手动从每个营销平台导出单独的报告,以了解广告和营销绩效,这个过程不仅艰苦且耗时,而且使领导层难以获得跨平台广告支出和绩效的统一视图。通常,Andrea 没有时间进行复杂的转换和清理,而这最终会节省业务分析师在后端的时间。
Yardzen 求助于 Fivetran 来解决其数据管道挑战。 Fivetran 的解决方案实施快速、轻松,使 Andrea 能够连接该公司的 Google、Twitter、Bing 和 Pinterest 广告源,在几分钟内集中广告支出数据。这使得 Yardzen 首次能够在预算范围内、以最少的工程工作量建立现代数据堆栈,从而使企业能够扩展其分析功能。借助 Fivetran,Yardzen 能够利用提供的数据构建归因仪表板和模型,使企业内的多个团队受益并实现快速领导决策。该解决方案还使 Yardzen 能够重新确定跨渠道营销支出的优先顺序,以快速有效地确定其广告费用的优先顺序,并准确了解其发票状态,从而使领导团队更有信心做出准确的财务决策。
  • The implementation of Fivetran has brought significant operational benefits to Yardzen. The company has been able to establish a modern data stack for the first time, enabling it to scale its analytics function. The solution has also allowed Yardzen to build an attribution dashboard and model, benefiting multiple teams within the business and enabling rapid leadership decisions. The company can now reprioritize marketing spend across channels more effectively, and has an accurate picture of its invoice statuses, giving the leadership team more confidence in making accurate financial decisions. Moreover, Andrea can now focus her time on projects that generate value for the business, scaling far beyond what she was previously capable of as a team of one. With the support of a business analyst, Andrea is building a complex conversion funnel that identifies and groups user profiles into households, determines customers who are more likely to purchase, and looks at the efficacy of marketing in targeting those customers — all projects that will generate business value for years to come.
  • Yardzen saved a month in implementation time to build its own marketing and advertising connectors.
  • Reduced weeks of coding work and maintenance time for every new connector the business set up.
  • Yardzen is now on Fivetran's Free Plan, enabling them to automate ELT for their sources at no cost.

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