Areas of Focus
- 海洋微藻的开发利用
Work Experience
- 2020-01~现在 - 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 - 副研究员
- 2014-01~2019-12 - 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 - 助理研究员
- 2010-07~2013-12 - 中国科学院青岛生物能源与过程研究所 - 研究实习员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2018-09--2021-06 微生物学博士: 中国科学院大学
- 2007-09--2010-06 植物学硕士: 四川大学
- 2002-09--2006-07 生物技术学士: 济南大学
- Overexpression of plastid lipid-associated protein in marine diatom enhances the xanthophyll synthesis and storage, ErYing Jiang, Yong Fan, NghiVan Phung, WanYue Xia, GuangRong Hu, FuLi Li, 2023
- Nervonic acid and its sphingolipids: Biological functions and potential food applications, Nghi Van Phung, Fei Rong, Yong Fan, WanYue Xia, Li Xianyu, Wang Shian, FuLi Li, 2023
- 产神经酸微藻Mychonastes afer的兼养固碳培养, 师晓艺, 丁晓婷, 万子璇, 英瑜, 李福利, 高昕, 范勇, 2022
- Rapid Sorting of Fucoxanthin-Producing Phaeodactylum tricornutum Mutants by Flow Cytometry, Fan, Yong, Ding, XiaoTing, Wang, LiJuan, Jiang, ErYing, Phung Nghi Van, Li, FuLi, 2021
- Expression of the Vitreoscilla hemoglobin gene in Nannochloropsis oceanica regulates intracellular oxygen balance under high-light, Ding, XiaoTing, Fan, Yong, Jiang, ErYing, Shi, XiaoYi, Krautter, Eike, Hu, GuangRong, Li, FuLi, 2021
- 甘露醇兼养三角褐指藻生产多不饱和脂肪酸和岩藻黄质, 丁晓婷, 王丽娟, 范勇, 张培玉, 李福利, 2020
- Naphthylacetic Acid and Tea Polyphenol Application Promote Biomass and Lipid Production of Nervonic Acid-Producing Microalgae, Xu, Feng, Fan, Yong, Miao, Fuhong, Hu, GuangRong, Sun, Juan, Yang, Guofeng, Li, FuLi, 2018
- A Rapid Method for the Determination of Fucoxanthin in Diatom, Wang, LiJuan, Fan, Yong, Parsons, Ronald L, Hu, GuangRong, Zhang, PeiYu, Li, FuLi, 2018
- Characterization of 3-ketoacyl-coA synthase in a nervonic acid producing oleaginous microalgae Mychonastes afer, Yong Fan, Cheng Yuan, Yi Jin, GuangRong Hu, FuLi Li, 2018
- Biosynthesis of nervonic acid and perspectives for its production by microalgae and other microorganisms, Fan, Yong, Meng, HuiMin, Hu, GuangRong, Li, Fu, 2018
- Lipid accumulation and anti-rotifer robustness of microalgal strains isolated from Eastern China, Yuan, Cheng, Zheng, YanLin, Zhang, WanLu, He, Ru, Fan, Yong, Hu, GuangRong, Li, Fu, 2017
- Bioremediation of wastewater from edible oil refinery factory using oleaginous microalga Desmodesmus sp S1, Mar, Cho Cho, Fan, Yong, Li, FuLi, Hu, GuangRong, 2016
- Photosynthetic Effect in Selenastrum capricornutum Progeny after Carbon-Ion Irradiation, Wang, Jie, Li, Xin, Lu, Dong, Du, Yan, Ma, Liang, Li, Wenjian, Chen, Jihong, Li, Fuli, Fan, Yong, Hu, Guangrong, Wang, Jufang, 2016
- 微藻中的高附加值天然产物与挖掘策略, 胡光荣, 范勇, 李福利, 2015
- Enhanced Lipid Productivity and Photosynthesis Efficiency in a Desmodesmus sp Mutant Induced by Heavy Carbon Ions, Hu, Guangrong, Fan, Yong, Zhang, Lei, Yuan, Cheng, Wang, Jufang, Li, Wenjian, Hu, Qiang, Li, Fuli, 2013
- 高产油突变藻株 Desmodesmus sp. D90G-19的光合作用特征, 张蕾, 胡光荣, 范勇, 袁程, 杨晓红, 李福利, 2013
- Mychonastes afer HSO-3-1 as a potential new source of biodiesel, Yuan, Cheng, Liu, Junhan, Fan, Yong, Ren, Xiaohui, Hu, Guangrong, Li, Fuli, 2011
- 昆仑英才计划 (2022): 青海省