Areas of Focus
- 光信号转导的表观遗传调控
- 光信号与内外源信号互作调控植物适应性的分子机理
Work Experience
- 2023-03~现在 - 中国科学院植物研究所 - 研究员
- 2014-01~2023-03 - 中国科学院植物研究所 - 副研究员
- 2009-04~2013-12 - 中国科学院植物研究所 - 助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005-09--2009-09 博士: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 2001-09--2004-07 硕士: 福建农林大学
- 1997-09--2001-07 本科: 山西农业大学
- The SNL-HDA19 histone deacetylase complex antagonizes HY5 activity to repress photomorphogenesis in Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2021
- Transcriptional regulatory network of the light signaling pathways, 景艳军, 2020
- PIF1 and RVE1 form a transcriptional feedback loop to control light-mediated seed germination in Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2020
- Functional analysis of ZmCOP1 and ZmHY5 reveals conserved light signaling mechanism in maize and Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2020
- PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR-LIKE14 and SLENDER RICE1 Interaction Controls Seedling Growth under Salt Stress, 景艳军, 2020
- PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTORS Interact with the ABA Receptors PYL8 and PYL9 to Orchestrate ABA Signaling in Darkness, 景艳军, 2020
- AGAMOUS-LIKE67 Cooperates with the Histone Mark Reader EBS to Modulate Seed Germination under High Temperature, 景艳军, 2020
- The B3-Domain Transcription Factor VAL1 Regulates the Floral Transition by Repressing FLOWERING LOCUS T, 景艳军, 2019
- The Chromatin-Remodeling Factor PICKLE Antagonizes Polycomb Repression of FT to Promote Flowering, 景艳军, 2019
- The chromatin-remodelling factor PICKLE interacts with CONSTANS to promote flowering in Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2019
- SEUSS and PIF4 Coordinately Regulate Light and Temperature Signaling Pathways to Control Plant Growth, 景艳军, 2018
- PICKLE chromatin-remodeling factor controls thermosensory hypocotyl growth of Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2017
- Phytochrome b and reveille1/2-mediated signalling controls seed dormancy and germination in arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2016
- The VQ Motif-Containing Protein Family of Plant-Specific Transcriptional Regulators 1, 景艳军, 2015
- The vq-motif-containing protein family of plant-specific transcriptional regulators, 景艳军, 2015
- Glycosyltransferase-like protein ABI8/ELD1/KOB1 promotes Arabidopsis hypocotyl elongation through regulating cellulose biosynthesis, 景艳军, 2015
- Arabidopsis VQ-MOTIF-CONTAINING PROTEIN29 represses seedling de-etiolation by interacting with PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR1, 景艳军, 2014
- The chromatin remodeling factor pickle integrates brassinosteroid and gibberellin signaling during skotomorphogenic growth in arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2014
- Arabidopsis chromatin remodeling factor pickle interacts with transcription factor hy5 to regulate hypocotyl cell elongation, 景艳军, 2013
- Antagonistic basic helix-loop-helix/bzip transcription factors form transcriptional modules that integrate light and reactive oxygen species signaling in arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2013
- PICKLE is a repressor in seedling de-etiolation pathway, 景艳军, 2013
- The Arabidopsis IDD14, IDD15, and IDD16 Cooperatively Regulate Lateral Organ Morphogenesis and Gravitropism by Promoting Auxin Biosynthesis and Transport, 景艳军, 2013
- Transposase-Derived Proteins FHY3/FAR1 Interact with PHYTOCHROME-INTERACTING FACTOR1 to Regulate Chlorophyll Biosynthesis by Modulating HEMB1 during Deetiolation in Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2012
- Tryptophan deficiency affects organ growth by retarding cell expansion in Arabidopsis, 景艳军, 2009
- Ectopic over-expression of BhHsf1, a heat shock factor from the resurrection plant Boea hygrometrica, leads to increased thermotolerance and retarded growth in transgenic Arab
- 中国科学院青年创新促进会会员 (2015): 中国科学院
- 卢嘉锡青年人才奖 (2014): 中国科学院