Areas of Focus
- 动物多样性格局形成及维持机制
- 动物对人类活动的生态响应
- 西南山地野生动物多样性格局的形成、维持和保护
Work Experience
- 2019-01至今 - 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 - 副研究员
- 2014-01至2018-12 - 中国科学院昆明动物研究所 - 助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2010-09--2014-01 博士: 中国科学院大学
- 获得中国科学院“西部之光—西部青年学者”奖
- 获得云南省“青年拔尖人才”奖
- Untangling key abiotic predictors of terrestrial mammal diversity patterns across ecoregions and species groups in Kenya, 第三作者, 2023
- Tiger reappearance in Medog highlights the conservation values of the region for this apex predator, 通讯作者, 2023
- Suitable habitats shifting toward human-dominated landscapes of Asian elephants in China, 通讯作者, 2023
- Experimental evidence for nasty neighbour effect in western black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor), 第四作者, 2023
- Decomposing niche components reveals simultaneous effects of opposite deterministic processes structuring alpine small mammal assembly, 第三作者, 2023
- 中国亚洲象生态廊道建设构想及相关保护建议, 第一作者, 2023
- New records of the white-cheeked macaque provide range extension for the endangered primate in Gaoligong Mountains, 通讯作者, 2023
- Across the great divide: revision of the genus Eupetaurus (Sciuridae: Pteromyini), the woolly flying squirrels of the Himalayan region, with the description of two new species, 第四作者, 2022
- Disproportionate loss of threatened terrestrial mammals along anthropogenic disturbance gradients, 第一作者, 2022
- 基于生态位理论研究群落构建的方法进展, 第二作者, 2022
- Patterns and Predictors of Small Mammal Phylogenetic and Functional Diversity in Contrasting Elevational Gradients in Kenya, 第三作者, 2022
- Functional diversity loss and change in nocturnal behavior of mammals under anthropogenic disturbance, 第一作者, 2022
- Global camera trap synthesis highlights the importance of protected areas in maintaining mammal diversity, 第二十四作者, 2022
- Human disturbance and prey occupancy as predictors of carnivore richness and biomass in a Himalayan hotspot, 第一作者, 2021
- Ecology of Gamebirds in Namha National Protected Area, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, 第四作者, 2021
- Morphology and phylogeny of scalopine moles (Eulipotyphla: Talpidae: Scalopini) from the eastern Himalayas, with descriptions of a new genus and species, 第六作者, 2021
- 三江并流区树线生境小型兽类多样性多维度评价及其保护启示, 第二作者, 2021
- The management effectiveness of protected areas in Kenya, 第二作者, 2021
- Camera-trap surveys reveal high diversity of mammals and pheasants in Medog, Tibet, 第一作者, 2021
- Predicting indirect effects of transportation network expansion on Asian elephants: Implications for environmental impact assessments, 第二作者, 2020
- Small mammal species richness and turnover along elevational gradient in Yulong Mountain, Yunnan, Southwest China, 第二作者, 2020
- Isolated alpine habitats reveal disparate ecological drivers of taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of small mammal assemblages
- 青年拔尖人才 (2020): 云南省
- 西部之光—西部青年学者 (2020): 中国科学院