Areas of Focus
- 根部半寄生植物
- 保护生物学
- 菌根生物学
Work Experience
- 2016-07~2018-07 - 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 - 访问学者
- 2014-01~现在 - 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 - 研究员,保护生物学研究组组长
- 2013-01~2013-12 - 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 - 副研究员,保护生物学研究组责任组长
- 2010-02~2011-02 - 阿德莱德大学资源与环境学院菌根生物学研究组 - 访问学者
- 2010-01~2012-12 - 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 - 副研究员
- 2007-07~2009-12 - 中国科学院昆明植物研究所 - 助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2004-09--2007-07 理学博士: 中国科学院昆明植物研究所
- 2001-09--2004-07 农学硕士: 西北农林科技大学植物保护学院
- 蒜头果幼苗衰退过程中组织养分含量变化特征, 李爱荣, 2023
- 蔗糖对两种列当科根部半寄生植物吸器发生的促进作用, 李爱荣, 2022
- A legume host benefits more from arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi than a grass host in the presence of a root hemiparasitic plant, 李爱荣, 2022
- The bright side of parasitic plants: what are they good for?, 李爱荣, 2020
- Effect of temperature and moist conditions on seed dormancy cycling of two sympatric limestone species, Begonia guishanensis and Paraisometrum mileense, in southern China, 李爱荣, 2020
- 土壤氮素异质性分布和马先蒿寄生对长芒棒头草生长发育及根系分布的影响, 李爱荣, 2020
- Isolation and characterization of 18 microsatellites for the invasive native Pedicularis kansuensis (Orobanchaceae), 李爱荣, 2019
- Root hemiparasitism in Malania oleifera (Olacaceae), a neglected aspect in research of the highly valued tree species, 李爱荣, 2019
- A neglected alliance in battles against parasitic plants: AM and rhizobial symbioses alleviate damage to a legume host by root hemiparasitic Pedicularis species, 李爱荣, 2019
- Fast and abundant in vitro spontaneous haustorium formation in root hemiparasitic plant Pedicularis kansuensis Maxim. (Orobanchaceae), 李爱荣, 2018
- N-P fertilization did not reduce AMF abundance or diversity but alter AMF composition in an alpine grassland infested by a root hemiparasitic plant, 李爱荣, 2018
- N-P Fertilization Inhibits Growth of Root Hemiparasite Pedicularis kansuensis in Natural Grassland, 李爱荣, 2017
- Identity and distribution of weedy Pedicularis kansuensis Maxim. (Orobanchaceae) in Tianshan Mountains of Xinjiang: morphological, anatomical and molecular evidence, 李爱荣, 2016
- Long-Distance Dispersal after the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) Led to the Disjunctive Distribution of Pedicularis kansuensis (Orobanchaceae) between the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Tianshan Region, 李爱荣, 2016
- Host shoot clipping depresses the growth of weedy hemiparasitic Pedicularis kansuensis, 李爱荣, 2015
- Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: potential biocontrol
- 三等奖 (2018): 马先蒿属根部半寄生植物的生物学特性和生态影响, 省级
- 优秀会员 (2015): 中国科学院青年创新促进会, 院级