Areas of Focus
- 空间认知和记忆引导行为的神经基础
- 灵活变换策略和目标引导导航的神经机制
- 具象和抽象认知地图的整合
- 海马尖波涟漪闭环调控对前额叶-顶叶皮层信息处理的影响
Work Experience
- 2020-03~2021-05 - 纽约大学 - 博士后
- 2017-07~2020-02 - 贝勒医学院 - 博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2012-02--2015-05 访问学者: 比利时鲁汶大学
- 2011-09--2017-06 博士: 加拿大莱斯桥大学
- 2010-09--2011-08 研究生: 美国罗格斯大学
- 2005-09--2010-06 本科: 浙江大学
- Spatial modulation of hippocampal activity in freely moving macaques, 毛盾, 2021
- Vision and Locomotion Combine to Drive Path Integration Sequences in Mouse Retrosplenial Cortex, 毛盾, 2020
- Spatially segregated responses to visuo-tactile stimuli in mouse neocortex during active sensation, 毛盾, 2019
- Hippocampus-dependent emergence of spatial sequence coding in retrosplenial cortex, 毛盾, 2018
- Sparse orthogonal population representation of spatial context in the retrosplenial cortex, 毛盾, 2017
- Closed-Loop Control of Epilepsy by Transcranial Electrical Stimulation, 毛盾, 2012
- Large-scale Recording of Neurons by Movable Silicon Probes in Behaving Rodents, 毛盾, 2012