Areas of Focus
- 植物离子营养和信号
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1998-09--2002-07 博士学位: 中国农业大学
- 1996-09--1998-07 硕士学位: 河北师范大学
- 1991-09--1995-07 学士学位: 河北师范大学
- OPEN STOMATA 1 phosphorylates CYCLIC NUCLEOTIDE-GATED CHANNELs to trigger Ca2+ signaling for ABA-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis, 杨阳, 谭艳秋, 王新勇, 李佳俊, 杜博雅, 朱美君, 王鹏程, 王永飞, 2024
- Multiple cyclic nucleotide-gated channels function as ABA-activated Ca2+ channels required for ABA-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis, 谭艳秋, 杨阳, 沈鑫, 朱美君, 沈建林, 张伟, 胡红红, 王永飞, 2023
- Three CNGC family members, CNGC5, CNGC6, AND CNGC9, are required for constitutive growth of Arbidopsis root hairs as Ca2+-permeable channels, 谭艳秋, 杨阳, 张岸, 费翠芳, 古莉莉, 孙淑静, 徐伟, 王玲玲, 刘洪涛, 王永飞, 2020
- A LysM Receptor Heteromer Mediates Perception of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Symbiotic Signal in Rice, 何江曼, 张驰, 戴慧玲, 刘欢, 张晓伟, 杨军, 陈曦, 朱亚云, 王大鹏, 齐晓峰, 李伟超, 王志辉, 安国勇, 余楠, 何祖华, 王永飞, 肖友利, 张鹏, 王尔涛, 2019
- A cyclic nucleotide-gated channel mediates cytoplasmic calcium elevation and disease resistance in rice, 王家昌, 刘曦, 张岸, 任玉龙, 吴福庆, 王刚, 徐杨, 雷才林, 朱珊珊, 潘天, 王永飞, 张欢, 王凡, 谭艳秋, 王玉鹏, 金鑫, 罗胜, 周春雷, 张晓, 刘金玲, 王帅, 孟玲芝, 王义华, 陈曦, 林启兵, 张鑫, 郭秀萍, 程志军, 王久林, 田云露, 刘世佳, 姜玲, 吴楚银, 王尔涛, 周建民, 王永飞, 王海洋, 万建民, 2019
- The AWPM-19 Family Protein OsPM1 Mediates Abscisic Acid Influx and Drought Response in Rice, 姚凌雅, 程轩, 古宗英, 黄伟, 李寿, 王林波, 王永飞, 徐平, 马红, 葛晓春, 2018
- The S-Type Anion Channel ZmSLAC1 Plays Essential Roles in Stomatal Closure by Mediating Nitrate Efflux in Maize, 齐国宁, 姚奋永, 任慧敏, 孙淑静, 谭艳秋, 张忠春, 邱宝生, 王永飞, 2018
- S-type anion channel SLAC1’s homologues inhibit inward potassium channels AKT2 and KAT2 in Arabidopsis, 姚奋永, 齐国宁, 任慧敏, 张岸, 侯赛因, 王永飞, 2017
- AtHKT1 drives adaptation of Arabidopsis thaliana to salinity by reducing floral sodium content, 安东, 陈久庚, 高一群, 李翔, 晁振飞, 陈子儒, 李倩倩, 韩美玲, 王亚玲, 王永飞, 晁代印, 2017
- S-type anion channels SLAC1 and SLAH3 function as essential negative regulators for K+ channel KAT1 and stomatal opening in Arabidopsis, 张岸, 任慧敏, 谭艳秋, 齐国宁, 姚奋永, 吴桂丽, 杨露文, 侯赛因, 孙淑静, 王永飞, 2016
- Protein kinase OsSAPK8 functions as an essential activator of S-type anion channel OsSLAC1, which is nitrate-selective in rice, 孙淑静, 齐国宁, 高起飞, 王慧琴, 姚奋永, 侯赛因, 王永飞, 2016
- Cyclic nucleotide-gated channel 18 is an essential Ca2+ channel in pollen tube tips for pollen tube guidance to ovules in Arabidopsis, 高起飞, 古莉莉, 王慧琴, 费翠芳, 方翔, 侯赛因, 孙淑静, 董静云, 刘洪涛, 王永飞, 2016
- Arabidopsis CNGC18 Is a Ca-2-Permeable Channel, 高起飞, 费翠芳, 董静云, 古莉莉, 王永飞, 2014
- Identification of Cyclic GMP-Activated Nonselective Ca2+-Permeable Cation Channels and Associated CNGC5 and CNGC6 Genes in Arabidopsis Guard Cells, 王永飞, 宗正太郎, 西村纪之, 任慧敏, 罗伯特, 娜迪亚, 韩美, 普佐若娃, 科利斯特, 李斯蒂芬, 森, 朱利安, 2013
- SLAC1 is required for plant guard cell S-type anion channel function in stom