Areas of Focus
- 纤毛蛋白复合体的结构解析
- 研发操纵微管结构和运动蛋白的新方法
Work Experience
- 博士后 - 加拿大麦吉尔大学
- 2019 - 助理教授 - 日本奈良先端科学技术大学院大学
- 2022 - 现在 - 研究组长 - 复旦大学
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2010 - 学士学位: 东京大学
- 2015 - 博士学位: 东京大学
- 日本学术振兴会特别研究员(DC1)
- 日本学术振兴会海外特别研究员
- 日本科学技术振兴机构PRESTO项目(2020)
- Tektin makes a microtubule a “micropillar”, Gu, Y., Zhao, Y., & Ichikawa, M., 2023
- Regulation of motor activity of ciliary outer-arm dynein by the light chain 1; Implications from the structure of the light chain bound to the microtubule-binding domain of the heavy chain, Yagi, T., Toda, A., Ichikawa, M., & Kurisu, G., 2023
- Generation of stable microtubule superstructures by binding of peptide-fused tetrameric proteins to inside and outside, Inaba, H., Sueki, Y., Ichikawa, M., Kabir, A.M.R., Iwasaki, T., Shigematsu, H., Kakugo, A., Sada, K., Tsukazaki, T. & Matsuura, K., 2022
- Remodeling and activation mechanisms of outer arm dyneins revealed by cryo-EM, Kubo, S., Yang, S. K., Black, C., Dai, D., Valente, M., Gaertig, J., Ichikawa, M., & Bui, K. H., 2021
- Preparation of Doublet Microtubule Fraction for Single Particle Cryo-electron Microscopy, Black, C., Dai, D.C., Peri, K. Ichikawa, M., & Bui, K. H., 2021
- Identification and mapping of central pair proteins by proteomic analysis, Dai, D., Ichikawa, M., Peri, K., Rebinsky, R., & Bui, K.H., 2020
- The inner junction complex of the cilia is an interaction hub that involves tubulin post-translational modifications, Khalifa, A.A.Z., Ichikawa, M., Dai, D., Kubo, S., Black, C.S., Peri, K., McAlear, T.S., Veyron, S.,Yang, S.K., Vargas, J., Bechstedt, S., Trempe, J.F., & Bui, K.H., 2020
- Tubulin lattice in cilia is in a stressed form regulated by microtubule inner proteins, Ichikawa, M., Khalifa, A.A.Z., Kubo, S., Dai, D., Basu, K., Maghrebi, M.A.F., Vargas, J., & Bui, K.H., 2019
- Subnanometre-resolution structure of the doublet microtubule reveals new classes of microtubule-associated proteins, Ichikawa, M., Liu, D., Kastritis, P.L., Basu, K., Hsu, T.Z., Yang, S., & Bui, K.H., 2017
- Axonemal dynein light chain-1 locates at the microtubule-binding domain of the γ heavy chain, Ichikawa, M., Saito, K., Yanagisawa, H., Yagi, T., Kamiya, R., Yamaguchi, S., Yajima, J., Kushida, Y.,Nakano, K., Numata, O., & Toyoshima, Y.Y., 2015
- Autoinhibition and cooperative activation mechanisms of cytoplasmic dynein, Torisawa, T., Ichikawa, M., Furuta, A., Saito, K., Oiwa, K., Kojima, H., Toyoshima, Y.Y., & Furuta,K., 2014
- 2018 - 日本生物物理学会青年奖励奖
- 2017 - Gérard T. Simon博士奖
- 2016 - 青年优秀发表奖