Areas of Focus
- 面孔知觉加工
- 焦虑控制的脑机制
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2019年9月-2022年6月 博士: 深圳大学
- 2016年9月-2019年6月 硕士: 宁波大学
- 2011年9月-2015年6月 学士: 渭南师范学院
- A Chinese Face Dataset with Dynamic Expressions and Diverse Ages Synthesized by Deep Learning, Han, S., Guo, Y., Zhou, X., Huang, J., Shen, L., & Luo, Y., 2023
- Disruptions of salience network during uncertain anticipation of conflict control in anxiety, Han, S., Gao, J., Hu, J., Ye, Y., Huang, H., Liu, J., ..., Luo, Y & Xu, P., 2023
- Facial attractiveness in the eyes of men with high arousal, Han, S., Gao, J., Xing, W., Zhou, X., & Luo, Y., 2023
- Comparisons make faces more attractive: An ERP study, Han, S., Hu, J., Gao, J., Fan, J., Xu, X., Xu, P., & Luo, Y., 2022
- Neural dynamics and coupling underlying uncertain anticipatory conflicts in anxious individuals, Han, S., Hu, J., Gao, J., Fan, J., Xu, X., Xu, P., & Luo, Y. J., 2022
- From structure to concepts: The two stages of facial expression recognition, Han, S., Hu, J., Li, W., Zhao, S., Chen, M., Xu, P., & Luo, Y., 2021
- Repeated exposure makes attractive faces more attractive: Neural responses in facial attractiveness judgement, Han, S., Liu, S., Gan, Y., Xu, Q., Xu, P., Luo, Y., & Zhang, L., 2020
- Why do you attract me but not others? Retrieval of person knowledge and its generalization bring diverse judgments of facial attractiveness, Han, S., Liu, S., Li, Y., Li, W., Wang, X., Gan, Y., ... & Zhang, L., 2020
- 美在观察者眼中:陌生面孔吸引力评价中的晕轮效应与泛化效应, 韩尚锋#; 李玥#; 刘燊*; 徐强; 谭群; 张林*, 2018
- 面孔加工中的热情优先效应:来自眼动的证据, 韩尚锋; 甘烨彤; 刘燊; 王秀娟; 杨亚平; 徐强; 张林*, 2018
- 《心理学报》2018年度优秀论文奖
- 硕士和博士研究生国家奖学金
- 第七届全国脑电与脑成像研究与应用研讨会: 青年论文奖
- 浙江省: 优秀硕士毕业生论文
- 浙江省: 优秀硕士毕业
- 硕士和博士: 优秀研究生干部
- 优秀共产党员