Areas of Focus
- 蕨类植物生殖发育及资源利用
Work Experience
- 2007-至今 - 上海师范大学 - 副教授
- 2000-2007 - 上海师范大学 - 讲师
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2002-2005 博士:华东师范大学
- 1997-2000 硕士:哈尔滨师范大学
- 1992-1996 学士:哈尔滨师范大学
- Ultrastructural Studies of Oogenesis in the Fern Diplopterugium glaucum, 戴锡玲, 鲍家强, 王全喜, 曹玉晨, 曹建国, 2019
- Adiantic acid, a new unsaturated fatty acid with a cyclopropane moiety from Adiantum flabellulatum L., 陈俊平, 李一尘, 曹建国, 黄金文, 江灿, 戴锡玲, 黄国政, 2021
- Intermediate Epicotyl Physiological Dormancy in the Recalcitrant Seed of Quercus chungii F.P.Metcalf with the Elongated Cotyledonary Petiole, 孙希庆, 宋一刚, 葛斌杰, 戴锡玲, Gregor Kozlowski, 2021
- Total flavonoid concentrations of bryophytes from Tianmu Mountain, Zhejiang Province (China): Phylogeny and ecological factors, 王欣, 曹建国, 戴锡玲, 肖建波, 吴玉环, 王全喜, 2017
- ent-Pimaradiene and cyathane diterpenes from Aleuritopteris albofusca, 江灿, 陈俊平, 戴锡玲, 王奇, 曹建国, 黄国政, 2020
- Study on early development of sporangia and plastid differentiation in red cap scale fern, 戴锡玲, 王赛赛, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2016
- Ultrastructural and cytochemical study of spore development in red cap scale fern, 戴锡玲, 王赛赛, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2018
- Ultrastructural study of spore wall development in high collar yellow horn moss, 戴锡玲, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2020
- Study on leaf epidermal morphological characteristics of 30 species of forked fern family, 戴锡玲, 季艳秋, 曹建国, 邢冰伟, 王全喜, 2020
- Ultrastructural study of spore formation in bottle grass, 戴锡玲, 郭严冬, 王全喜, 曹建国, 2021
- Cell chemical observation of polysaccharides and lipid droplets in the development of spore sacs of purple qi, 戴锡玲, 任媛媛, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2017
- Microscopic observation of spore capsule development in horn moss, 戴锡玲, 付秋爽, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2016
- Observation of spore formation and development in ferns using smear method, 戴锡玲, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2017
- Analysis of the primitive characteristics of fern purple qi from asexual reproduction, 戴锡玲, 任媛媛, 张剑锋, 曹建国, 2019
- Re-discussion of the primitive characteristics of purple qi from the gametophyte generation, 戴锡玲, 周洁, 曹建国, 2019
- Observation of good materials for heterosporous ferns - locust leaf apple, 戴锡玲, 高晓雯, 曹建国, 2020
- College student innovation projects are an effective carrier for the cultivation of undergraduate innovation ability, 戴锡玲, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2016
- Analysis of graduation requirements keywords in the accreditation standards of general higher education normal professional - Taking 'Secondary Education Professional Accreditation Standards' as an example, 戴锡玲, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2019
- Construction of a diversified learning evaluation system for experimental courses in biological sciences - Taking 'Botany Experiment' as an example, 戴锡玲, 曹建国, 王全喜, 2020
- 2019年:《奇妙绮丽的真蕨孢子世界》获中国花卉协会蕨类分会科普作品一等奖
- 2019年:指导本科生国家级大创项目《阴地蕨成分提取分离及其生物活性分析》获上海师范大学优秀项目
- 2017年:上海市教委大学生创新项目展示指导教师优秀论文奖
- 2018年:第三届全国大学生生命科学创新创业大赛优秀指导教师二等奖