Areas of Focus
- 科学教育
- 化学教育
Academic Background & Achievements
- 华东师范大学教育学博士
- 在国内外刊物发表论文10余篇
- Evaluating scientific reasoning ability: Student performance and the interaction effects between grade level, gender, and academic achievement level, Roma
- Evaluating scientific reasoning ability: The design and validation of an assessment with a focus on reasoning and the use of evidence, Roma
- 从科学推理到证据推理:内涵的探讨, 罗玛
- “证据推理”能力的水平框架构建——基于德尔菲调查, 罗玛
- 智慧教育背景下学习环境与教学现状的调查研究, 罗玛
- Investigating Pre-Service Science Teachers' Design Performance in Laboratory Class: The Inquiry-Based Design Thinking Approach, Roma