Areas of Focus
- 典型深海环境中的病毒研究
- 深海病毒的生存策略(lytic/lysogenic)及其转换机制
- 深海病毒对宿主极端环境适应性的影响
- 温和型病毒对深海生态系统的作用(水平基因转移、物质能量循环、系统稳定性等)
- 深海环境因子对病毒本身及病毒-宿主协同进化的影响
Work Experience
- 2011.8-2013.12 - 上海交通大学,博士后
- 2014.1-2016.12 - 上海交通大学,助理研究员
- 2016.12-2021.12 - 上海交通大学,副研究员
- 2021.12-至今 - 上海交通大学,研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006-2011: 硕博连读,厦门大学
- 上海交通大学生命科学技术学院,博士后研究员
- A systematic analysis of marine lysogens and proviruses, 蹇华, 2023
- Unexplored diversity and ecological functions of transposable phages, 蹇华, 2023
- The origin and impeded dissemination of the DNA phosphorothiation system in prokaryotes, 蹇华, 2021
- Isolation and characterization of a novel linear-plasmid phage from the sediment of the Mariana Trench, 蹇华, 2022
- Diversity and distribution of viruses inhabiting the deepest ocean on Earth, 蹇华, 2021
- Phylogenomic analysis reveals a two-stage process of the evolutionary transition of Shewanella from the upper ocean to the hadal zone, 蹇华, 2021
- Multiple mechanisms are involved in repression of filamentous phage SW1 transcription by the DNA-binding protein FpsR, 蹇华, 2019
- Filamentous phage SW1 is active and influences the transcriptome of the host at high-pressure and low-temperature, 蹇华, 2016
- The histone-like nucleoid structuring protein (H-NS) is a negative regulator of the lateral flagellar system in the deep-sea bacterium Shewanella piezotolerans WP3, 蹇华, 2016
- Role of filamentous phage SW1 in regulating the lateral flagella of Shewanella piezotolerans strain WP3 at low temperatures, 蹇华, 2013
- 2008: 第七届全国微生物学曁第三届全国微生物遗传学青年学者学术研讨会论文交流一等奖
- 2013: Gordon Research Conference – Marine Molecular Ecology, Travel Award
- 2017: 上海交通大学博士后奖励基金二等奖
- 2017: 简浩然环境微生物学优秀论文奖
- 2018: 2018年度海洋科学技术奖一等奖(排名第三)
- 2019: 上海交通大学优秀班主任
- 2020: 上海交通大学晨星青年学者奖励计划副教授A类
- 2021: 上海交通大学优秀班主任