Areas of Focus
- 脑与认知
- 老年人认知发展
- 网络心理学
Work Experience
- 2010.12-至今 - 华中师范大学 - 教授
- 2018.6-2019.2 - 加州大学河滨分校 - 访问学者
- 2007.10-2010.10 - 班戈大学 - 博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2003.9-2007.7 心理学博士: 雷丁大学
- 1996.9-1999.7 心理学硕士: 北京大学
- 1992.9-1996.7 心理学学士: 北京大学
- The internal representation of temporal orienting: A temporal pulse accumulation and attentional gating-based account, Cheng, X., Mao, Y., Lei, Y., Lin, C., Lou, C., Fan, Z. & Ding, X., 2020
- Can mental time lines co-exist in 3D space?, Ding, X., Feng, N., He, H., Cheng, X. & Fan, Z., 2020
- Small Numerosity Advantage for Sequential Enumeration on RSVP Stimuli: An Object Individuation-based Account, Cheng, X., Lin, C., Lou, C., Zhang, W., Han, Y., Ding, X. & Fan, Z., 2019
- Perceived shift of the centres of contracting and expanding optic flow fields: Different biases in the lower-right and upper-right visual quadrants, Cheng, X., Lou, C., Ding, X., Liu, W., Zhang, X., Fan, Z. & Harris, J., 2019
- The Impact of Perceptual/Concurrent and Mnemonic Digits on Temporal Processing: A Congruency Effect of Numerical Magnitudes, Fan, Z., Jing, G., Ding, X. and Cheng, X., 2017
- Composite body movements modulate numerical cognition: Evidence from the motion–numerical compatibility effect, Cheng, X., Ge, H., Andoni, D., Ding, X., & Fan, Z., 2015
- Are past and future symmetric in mental time line?, Ding, X., Feng, N., Cheng, X., Liu, H., & Fan, Z., 2015
- Preferential access to emotion under attentional blink: evidence for thresholds phenomenon, Szczepanowski, R., Traczyk, J., Fan, Z., Harvey Jr., L. O., 2015
- Is Elapsing Time Really Recoded Into Spatial Linear Representation in Working Memory?, Ding, X., Cheng, X., Fan, Z., & Liu, H., 2014
- Capacity Limit of Simultaneous Temporal Processing: How Many Concurrent 'Clocks' in Vision?, Cheng, X., Yang, Q., Han, Y., Ding, X., & Fan, Z., 2014
- The role of sustained posterior brain activity in the serial chaining of two cognitive operations: A MEG study, Zhao Fan, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Krish Singh and Kimron Shapiro, 2012
- The cost of serially chaining two cognitive operations, Zhao Fan, Krish Singh, Suresh Muthukumaraswamy, Mariano Sigman, Stanislas Dehaene and Kimron Shapiro, 2012
- Anisotropies of the perceived spatial displacement of motion-defined contours: opposite biases between the upper-left and lower-right visual quadrants, Zhao Fan & John Harris, 2010
- 2011: 入选湖北省2011年度第二批楚天学者(之\"楚天学子\
- 计划
- 2014: 第十五届湖北省自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
- 2013, 2016: 华中师范大学年度考核优秀
- 2018: 华中师范大学“博雅计划”优秀指导老师(申莉)
- 2017: 华中师范大学“博雅计划”优秀指导老师(梁柏燊)
- 2014: 华中师范大学教学工作优秀奖(三等奖)
- 2006: 英国雷丁大学学术交流/国际会议支持专项基金