Life Science
Language: 中文, 英语
废水 反硝化 细菌 结构 功能 分子生态学 生态基因组学 氮循环 土壤污染 氯代烃
Areas of Focus
  • 废水环境反硝化降解菌群结构和功能关系研究
  • 微生物群落的分子生态学与生态基因组学
  • 农田土壤系统中反硝化菌群与氮循环关系研究
  • 污染环境降解菌群结构和功能关系研究
  • 氯代烃污染地下水与土壤的微生物降解生态学
Work Experience
  • 1995-1999 - 兰州大学生物系 - 讲师
  • 2004-2012 - 上海交通大学 - 副教授
  • 2012-至今 - 上海交通大学 - 研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1986-1990 兰州大学生物系 本科学习
  • 1992-1995 兰州大学生物系 硕士研究生
  • 1999-2002 中科院寒区旱区环境工程研究所 博士研究生
  • 2002-2004 挪威农业大学 博士后
  • Functional players involved in the contrasting phenotypes of nitrogen metabolism in two geographically different paddy soils, Qiaoyu Wu, Yiming Ma, Xinhui Wang, Siyu Yu, Xu Zhao, Xiaoyuan Yan, Xiaojun Zhang*, 2023
  • Using adaptive and aggressive N2O-reducing bacteria to augment digestate fertilizer for mitigating N2O emissions from agricultural soils, Xinhui Wang, Baoyu Xiang, Ji Li, Menghui Zhang, Asa Frostegard, Lars Bakken, Xiaojun Zhang*, 2023
  • Distinct Denitrifying Phenotypes of Predominant Bacteria Modulate Nitrous Oxide Metabolism in Two Typical Cropland Soils, Qiaoyu Wu, Mengmeng Ji, Siyu Yu, Ji Li, Xiaogang Wu, Xiaotang Ju, Binbin Liu, Xiaojun Zhang*, 2022
  • Enhanced N2O emission rate in field soil undergoing conventional intensive fertilization is attributed to the shifts of denitrifying guilds, Mengmeng Ji, Hao Tian, Xiaogang Wu, Ji Li, Ying Zhu, Guojun Wu, Ting Xu, Xiaojun Zhang*, 2021
  • Variability in the response of bacterial community assembly to environmental selection and biotic factors depends on the immigrated bacteria, as revealed by a soil microcosm experiment, Wu X, Wang Y, Zhu Y, Tian H, Qin X, Cui C, Zhao L, Simonet P, Zhang X*, 2019
  • Cross-feeding between members of Thauera spp. and Rhodococcus spp. drives quinoline-denitrifying degradation in a hypoxic bioreactor, Xinxin Wu, Xiaogang Wu, Ji Li, Qiaoyu Wu, Yiming Ma, Weikang Sui, Liping Zhao, Xiaojun Zhang*, 2020
  • Response of treatment performance and microbial community structure to the temporary suspension of an industrial anaerobic bioreactor, Xianchao Qin, Mengmeng Ji, Xiaogang Wu, Chunjie Li, Yueshu Gao, Ji Li, Qiaoyu Wu, Xiaojun Zhang*, Zhenjia Zhang*, 2018
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