Areas of Focus
- 心理健康与教育
- 不良情绪或行为的认知与神经机制
- 道德发展的认知机制
- 儿童青少年发展评估、诊断、干预及咨询
- 心理咨询与心理健康教育
- 家庭教育指导服务
- 生涯发展规划与指导
Work Experience
- 2010-2014 - 中山大学城市社会研究中心 - 研究助理
- 2015-2017 - 华南师范大学心理应用研究中心 - 副研究员
- 现任 - 湖南师范大学 - 教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 博士: 华南师范大学与香港大学联合培养
- 湖南师范大学道德文化研究中心研究员
- 国家二级心理咨询师
- 生涯发展规划师
- 湖南省青年骨干教师
- The Role of Perceived Social Support from family, friends and significant others in the Association between Childhood Maltreatment on Sleep Quality in adolescents: Evidence from A weekly diary study, Xiang, Y@, Zhou, Y, & Li, X., 2023
- Parental education level and adolescent depression: A multi-country meta-analysis, Xiang, Y@, Cao, Y, & Li, X., 2023
- The development trajectory of depression in left-behind children and the specific effect of different kinships on it: a longitudinal study, Zhang, Y., Jiang, X., & Xiang, Y@., 2023
- Bidirectional relations between altruistic tendency and benign/malicious envy among adolescents: A longitudinal study and weekly diary study, Xiang, Y@., & Zhou, Y., 2023
- Development and Validation of the Father-Love Abs