Areas of Focus
- 肿瘤易感基因的机制和应用
- 天然植物抗肿瘤的研究
- AKT1, PRDM4, and BAX are the natural markers of psychological endurance threshold., 徐志坚, 景启程, 张厚灿, 刘玥*, 2019
- TWSG1 Is a Novel Tumor Suppressor in Gastric Cancer, 袁静怡, 曾佳丽, 帅春, 刘玥*, 2018
- Low Expression of miR-196b Enhances the Expression of BCR-ABL1 and HOXA9 Oncogenes in Chronic Myeloid Leukemogenesis, 刘玥, 郑伟, 宋阳*, 马伟*, 尹浩, 2013
- Decreased microRNA-30a levels are associated with enhanced ABL1 and BCR-ABL1 expression in chronic myeloid leukemia, 刘玥, 宋阳, 马伟*, 郑伟, 尹浩, 2013
- 茶心静语, 徐志坚、刘玥*, 2017
- 小茶方大健康, 刘玥*、徐志坚, 2015
- 2016: 南方医科大学2015-2016学年教学优秀三等奖
- 2019: 南方医科大学2018学年教学优秀二等奖