Areas of Focus
- 湿地生态与生态恢复工程
- 森林生态与生物多样性保育
- 淡水森林湿地保护与重建
- 湿地生物入侵与全球变化
- Forest plant communities of Baohua Mountains, eastern China, An SQ et al., 2001
- Compositional change and vegetation degradation of riparian forests of Altai Plain, NW China, An SQ et al., 2003
- Alternative methods for sustainably managing coastal forests as silvo-pastoral systems, An SQ et al., 2006
- The headwater loss of the western plateau exacerbates China’s long thirst, An SQ et al., 2006
- Genetic structure of the endangered plant Neolitsea sericea (Lauraceae) from the Zhoushan Archipelago using RAPD markers, Wang ZS, An SQ, et al., 2005
- Effect of stand age and management regime on genetic diversity of Thuidium cymbifolium in western China, Wang ZS, An SQ, et al., 2006
- An in vitro propagation protocol of two submerged macrophytes for lake revegetation in east China, Zhou CF, An SQ, et al., 2006
- Micro-scale spatial heterogeneity and loss of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in degraded grassland of Ordos plateau, northwestern China, Cheng XL, An SQ, et al., 2004
- Summer rain pulse size and rainwater uptake by three dominant desert plants in a desertified grassland ecosystem in northwestern China, Cheng XL, An SQ, et al., 2006
- Chemical properties of the upper tailings beneath biotic crust, Sun QY, An SQ, et al., 2004
- Effects of logging on genetic diversity of Quercus tiaoloshanica in a tropical montane forest of Hainan Island, South China, Zheng JW, An SQ, et al., 2005
- Resource allocation in the submerged plant Vallisneria natans related to sediment type, rather than water-column nutrients, Xie YH, An SQ, et al., 2005
- Short-time response in root morphology of Vallisneria natans to sediment type and water column nutrient, Xie YH, An SQ, et al., 2005
- Density dependent root morphology and root distribution of submerged plant Vallisneria natans, Xie YH, An SQ, et al., 2006
- Invasive Spartina alterniflora: biology, ecology and management, Wang Q, An SQ, et al., 2006
- Computer simulation of the distribution of aluminum speciation in soil solution in equilibrium with the mineral phase imogolite, Bi SP, An SQ, et al., 2001
- Dynamics of aluminum speciation in forest-well drainage waters from the Rhode River watershed, Maryland, Bi SP, An SQ, et al., 2001
- A practical application of Driscoll’s equation for predicting the acid-neutralizing capacity in acidic natural waters equilibria with the mineral phase gibbsite, Bi SP, An SQ, et al., 2001
- Modeling the distribution of aluminum speciation in acid soil solution equilibria with the mineral phase alunite, Bi SP, An SQ, et al., 2002
- Differences in morphology and biomass allocation of Scirpus mariqueter between creekside and inland communities in the Changjiang estuary, China, Sun SC, Cai YL, An SQ, et al., 2002
- Seasonal, spatial and inter-specific variation in quercetin of Apocynum venetum and Poacynum hendersonii, Chinese traditional herbal tea, Ma M, Hong CL, An SQ, et al., 2003
- Behavior of carbon and nutrients in two type litters during 3.5-year decomposition, Tian XJ, Sun SC, Ma KP, An SQ., 2003
- The influences of vegetation type on hydrological process at landscape scale, Jiang H, Liu SR, Sun PS, An SQ, et al., 2004
- Buddlin, a new compound from Buddleja asiatica, Chen H, Xu C, Liu DQ, An SQ, et al., 2005
- 2004年: 江苏省二类优秀精品课程《生态学》
- 2004年: 江苏省优秀教学成果二等奖《生态学教学体系与教材体系建设》
- 2004年: 南京大学教学成果一等奖《生态学教学体系与教材体系建设》