Areas of Focus
- 视知觉和注意的时空动态特性及调控机制
- 生物/社会性信息加工
- 视觉意识
Work Experience
- 2023至今 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 青年特聘研究员
- 2015-2023 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 副研究员
- 2010-2015 - 中国科学院心理研究所 - 助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2005-2010 博士:中国科学院心理研究所
- 2002 访问学生:香港科技大学,生物科学系
- 2001-2005 学士:南京大学,环境科学系
- 入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员
- 获评优秀会员
- 入选北京市朝阳区“凤凰计划”优秀青年人才
- Hierarchical cortical entrainment orchestrates the multisensory processing of biological motion, Shen, L., Li, S., Tian, Y., Wang, Y.*, Jiang, Y., 2024
- Temporal integration by multi-level regularities fosters the emergence of dynamic conscious experience, Hu, R.#, Li, S.#, Yuan, P., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y., 2024
- Social Perception of Animacy: Preferential Attentional Orienting to Animals Links with Autistic Traits, Yang, G., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y., 2024
- Modulation of biological motion perception in humans by gravity, Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Wang, C., Huang, W., Xu, Q., Liu, D., Zhou, W., Chen, S., & Jiang, Y., 2022
- Cortical encoding of rhythmic kinematic structures in biological motion, Shen, L., Lu, X., Yuan, X., Hu, R., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y., 2023
- Audiovisual correspondence facilitates the visual search for biological motion, Shen, L., Lu, X., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y., 2023
- Eye gaze direction modulates nonconscious affective contextual effect, Chen, Y., Xu, Q., Fan, C., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y., 2022
- Cortical entrainment to hierarchical contextual rhythms recomposes dynamic attending in visual perception, Yuan, P., Hu, R., Zhang, X., Wang, Y.*, & Jiang, Y.*, 2021
- Heritable aspects of biological motion perception and its covariation with autistic traits, Wang, Y., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Liu, D., Chen, L., Troje, N., He, S., & Jiang, Y., 2018
- The interaction of perceptual biases in bistable perception, Zhang, X., Xu, Q., Jiang, Y., & Wang, Y.*, 2017
- Domain-specific genetic influence on visual-ambiguity resolution, Wang, Y., Wang, L., Xu, Q., Liu, D., & Jiang, Y., 2014
- Integration of 3D Structure from Disparity into Biological Motion Perception Independent of Depth Awareness, Wang, Y., & Jiang, Y., 2014
- Human perception with gravity’s imprint, Wang, Y., Zhou, W., & Jiang, Y., 2014
- Decomposing the spatiotemporal signature in dynamic 3D object recognition, Wang, Y., & Zhang, K., 2010
- 基于动态线索感知生命性的认知神经机制, 黄梅, 杨格晴, 王莹*, 蒋毅, 2023
- 情绪记忆权衡与拓宽效应及其认知神经机制, 范晨暄, 陈玉洁, 王莹*, 蒋毅, 2023
- 时间结构信息在人类知觉中的作用及其脑机制, 胡瑞晨, 袁佩君, 蒋毅, & 王莹*, 2019
- 知觉相关的神经振荡-外界节律同步化现象, 张雪, 袁佩君, 王莹*, 蒋毅, 2016
- 中国科学院青年创新促进会:优秀会员
- 北京市朝阳区“凤凰计划”:优秀青年人才