Areas of Focus
- 情绪识别
- 数据挖掘
- 认知增强
- 人类认知与行为的计算建模
- 道路交通安全
- 用户体验
Work Experience
- 2017/08-至今 - 中国科学院心理研究所,副研究员
- 2011/10-2017/07 - 中国科学院心理研究所,助理研究员
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2009.07-2011.09 工业工程博士学位:纽约州立大学布法罗分校
- 2007.09-2009.06 工业工程硕士学位:纽约州立大学布法罗分校
- 2003.09-2007.07 工业工程学士学位:天津大学
- A standardized database of Chinese emotional film clips, Ge, Y., Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Houston, R.J., Song, J., 2019
- Real-Time Movie-Induced Discrete Emotion Recognition from EEG Signals, Liu, Y., Yu, M., Zhao, G., Song, J., Ge, Y., Shi, Y., 2018
- Emotion Analysis for Personality Inference from EEG Signals, Zhao, G., Ge, Y., Shen, B., Wei, X., Wang, H., 2018
- Real-Time Assessment of Cross-Task Mental Workload using Physiological Measures during Anomaly Detection, Zhao, G., Liu, Y., Shi, Y., 2018
- Asymmetric hemisphere activation in tenderness: evidence from EEG signals, Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Ge, Y., Zheng, Y., Sun, X., Zhang, K., 2018
- Detection of Driver Vigilance Level Using EEG Signals and Driving Contexts, Guo, Z., Pan, Y., Zhao, G., Cao, S., Zhang, J., 2018
- Frontal EEG asymmetry and middle line power difference in discrete emotions, Zhao, G., Zhang, Y., Ge, Y., 2018
- The impairing effects of mental fatigue on response inhibition: An ERP study, Guo, Z., Chen, R., Liu, X., Zhao, G., Zheng, Y., Gong, M., Zhang, J., 2018
- Tangible interaction with 3D printed modular robots through multi-channel sensors, Yu, M., Liu, Y., Zhao, G., Wang, C., 2018
- Natural interaction in video image investigation and its evaluation, Zheng, Y., Zhao, G., 2018
- Spatial Ability Improvement by Tangible Interaction: A Case Study with EasySRRobot, Yu, M., Liu, Y., Zhao, G., Yu, C., Shi, Y., 2018