Areas of Focus
- 对食物、体重和体型的态度
- 心理健康的促进和维护
- 问卷编制和标准化
Work Experience
- 2016.03—2017.03 客座副教授:美国宾夕法尼亚大学
- 2015.10—今 岗位教授:中国科学院大学
- 2014.04—今 副研究员:中国科学院心理研究所
- 2011.09—2014.03 助理研究员:中国科学院心理研究所
- 2009.11—2011.08 博士后:中国科学院心理研究所
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006.11—2009.06 联合培养博士生:德国萨尔兰大学
- 2004.09—2009.07 理学博士(应用心理学专业):中国科学院心理研究所
- 2001.09—2004.07 教育学硕士:西南大学
- 1997.09—2001.07 工学学士:西南大学
- Translation and psychometric properties of the Chinese version of the Sociocultural Attitudes Towards Appearance Questionnaire-4 (SATAQ-4) in college students, Ma, J., Wang, K.*, Thompson J. K., 2023
- Dysmorphic appearance concern among Chinese adolescents and emerging adults, Liu, S., Ma, J., Fan, Z, Yu, C., Wang, K*., & Littleton, H. L., 2023
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Revised Exercise Addiction Inventory (EAI-R) among Chinese College Students, Wang, Y. J., Shi, H. S., Liu, S.S., Wang, K.* , Griffiths, M. D., Szabo, A., 2023
- Psychometric properties of a Mandarin Chinese version of the Body Appreciation Scale-2 with residents from Chinese mainland, Ma, J., Wang, K.*, Tylka, T. L., 2022
- Semantic processing features and schizotypal traits: a test-retest study, Yu, X. Y., Liao K. R. Turetsky, B. I., Wang, K*., 2022
- Validation of the Chinese version of the Body Image Concern Inventory Evaluation & the Health Professions, Wang, K*., Yu, X. Y., Yu, C. R., Liu, Y. F., Chu, M. Y., Zhang, R. T., Liang, R., Chen, J.* Littleton, H., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. C. K., 2022
- Development and Validation of a BMI-based Figure Rating Scale for Chinese Adolescents, Yu, C. R.#, Yu, X. Y#., Fan, Z. T., Wang, K.*, Littleton, L. H., 2022
- 进食障碍消化系统问题的研究进展, 刘怡梦,王葵*,陈珏, 2023
- 体型知觉的准确性及其认知机制, 刘爽爽,肖斌,王葵*,陈楚侨, 2023
- 负性情绪对运动专业大学生进食障碍症状的影响——强迫运动与自尊的中介效应, 王玉洁,刘爽爽,马敬华,杨群茹,王葵*, 2023
- 对外表的社会文化态度与不健康体重控制行为:直觉进食和身体欣赏的中介作用, 高亚威, 刘爽爽, 于昕洋,黄薇薇, 赵莉, 滕晶, 王葵*, 2023
- 不同群体中运动锻炼和体像态度的关系, 王玉洁,于昕洋,马敬华,王葵*, 2022
- 直觉进食:原则、测量和效果, 高亚威,于昕洋,刘爽爽,王葵*, 2022
- 从强迫运动到进食障碍症状:依恋的中介效应, 王玉洁,马敬华,刘爽爽,王葵*, 2021
- 青少年不健康体重控制行为的研究进展, 范志涛, 梁瑞, 于超然, 于昕洋, 刘爽爽,王葵*, 2021
- 从体像不满道进食障碍病理路径中的风险因子和保护因子, 马敬华,王葵*, 2021
- 《青少年体重控制行为量表》的编制, 范志涛, 于昕洋,于超然, 梁瑞, 陈珏,王葵*, 2021
- 外表社会压力与身体欣赏:自悯的调节效应, 马敬华,王葵*,崔玉庆, 2020
- Resting frontal EEG asymmetry and schizotypal traits: a test-retest study, Yu, X. Y, Liao, K. R., Niu, Z. K.,Wang , K.*, Cheung, E. F. C., Li, X. L., Chan R. C. K., 2020
- Post-Ingestive Sensations Driving Post-Ingestive Food Pleasure: A Cross-Cultural Consumer Study Comparing Denmark and China, Duerlund, M.*, Andersen, B.V., Wang, K., Chan, R.C.K., Byrne, D.V., 2020
- 兰州市1026名高一新生体重控制行为及其与真实和感知到的体重状态之间的关系, 范志涛,于昕洋,于超然,梁瑞,王梅,王葵*,杨新华, 2020
- 媒体对青少年身体意象的影响, 于超然,范志涛,于昕洋,荆承红,王葵*, 2020
- The thinner the better: Evidence on the internalization of the slimness ideal in Chinese college students, Wang, K*., Liang, R., Yu, X.Y., Shum, D. H. K., Roalf, D. Chan, R. C. K., 2020
- 体像不满、进食障碍症状与媒介素养的相关分析, 于超然,范志涛,于昕洋,荆承红,王葵*, 2019
- Semantic processing event-related potential features in patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Wang, K*., Zhao, Y. L., Tan, S. P., Zhang, J. G., Li, D., Chen, J. X., Zhang, L. G., Yu, X. Y., Zhao, D., Cheung, E. F. C., Turetsky, B. I., Gur, R. C., Chan, R. C. K*., 2019
- 静息态脑电分析在精神分裂症中的应用, 于昕洋,王葵*,谭淑平,陈楚侨, 2019
- Body image attitude among Chinese college students, Wang, K., Liang, R., Ma, Z. L., Chen, J., Chueng, E. F. C., Roalf, D. R., Gur, R. C., Chan, R. C., 2018
- 体像困扰与社会文化因素, 梁瑞,王葵*,陈楚侨, 2017
- Neural Temporal Dynamics of Facial Emotion Processing: Age Effects and Relationship to Cognitive Function, Liao, X.Y., Wang, K., Lin, K., Chan, R.C.K., Zhang, X.Y., 2017
- “Female Prefonderance” of depression in non-clinical populations: A meta-analytic study, Wang, K.*, Lu, H., Cheung, E. F. C., Neumann, D. L., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. D. K*., 2016
- Reappraisal writing relieves social anxiety and may be accompanied by changes in frontal alpha asymmetry, Wang,F., Wang, C.M., Yin, Q. Wang, K., Li, D.D., Mao, M.C., Zhu, C.Z., Huang, Y.X., 2015
- Temporal perception deficits in schizophrenia: Integration is the problem, not deployment of attentions, Su. L., Wyble, B., Zou, L.Q., Wang, K., Wang, Y.N., Chueng, E.E.C., Bowman, H., Chan, R.C.K., 2015
- Verbal self-monitoring in individuals with schizotypal personality traits: An exploratory ERP study, Zou, L.Q., Wang,K., Qu, C., Lui, S.Y.S., Shum,D., Cheung, E.F.C., Chan, R.C.K., 2014
- Cross-cultural validation of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 in China, Wang, K., Shi, H., Geng, F., Zou, L., Tan, S., Wang, Y., Neuman, D. L., Shum, D. H. K., Chan, R. C. K., 2016
- Cultural differences in sensitivity to the relationship between objects and contexts: Evidence from P3, Wang, K*, Umla-Runge, K, Hofmann, J, Ferdinand, N.K, Chan, R.C., 2014
- Bipolar disorder and schizophrenia share a similar deficit in semantic inhibition: A meta-analysis based on Hayling Sentence Completion Test performance, Wang, K#., Song, L-L#., Cheung, E.F., Lui, S. S., Shum, D. H., Chan, R. C*., 2013
- Semantic processing impairment in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder features: A preliminary event-related potential study, Wang, K., Wang, Y., Yan, C., Wang, Y-N., Cheung, E.F.C., Chan, R.C*, 2013
- Semantic processing disturbance in patients with schizophrenia: A meta-analysis of the N400 component, Wang, K., Cheung, E., Gong, Q., Chan, R.*, 2011
- An electrophysiological investigation of the role of orthography in accessing meaning of Chinese single-character words, Wang, K.*, 2011
- From orthography to meaning: An electrophysiological investigation of the role of phonology in accessing meaning of Chinese single-character words, Wang, K., Mecklinger, A.*, Hofmann, J., Weng, X., 2010