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Neuroscience Chinese academy of sciences
Language: 英语, 中文
功能磁共振成像 神经网络 脑状态 狨猴 语音发声 感知 高场磁共振成像 神经影像 光遗传学 神经生理学
Areas of Focus
  • 全脑功能神经网络
  • 狨猴语音发声和感知环路
  • 高场脑磁共振成像方法学开发
Work Experience
  • 2013-2016 - 博士后研究员: 宾夕法尼亚州立大学
  • 2016-至今 - 研究组组长: 中国科学院神经科学研究所
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 2008 - 理学学士: 复旦大学
  • 2013 - 博士学位: 马萨诸塞大学医学院
  • Cell-type-specific optogenetic fMRI on basal forebrain reveals functional network basis of behavioral preference., Zou, Y., Tong, C., Peng, W., Qiu, Y., Li, J., Xia, Y., Pei, M., Zhang, K., Li, W., Xu, M.*, Liang, Z.*, 2024
  • Sleep fMRI with simultaneous electrophysiology at 9.4 T in male mice., Yu, Y., Qiu, Y., Li, G., Zhang, K., Bo, B., Pei, M., Ye, J., Thompson, G., Cang, J., Fang, F., Feng, F., Feng, Y., Duan, X.*, Tong, C.*, Liang, Z.*, 2023
  • An integrated resource for functional and structural connectivity of the marmoset brain., Tian, X., Chen, Y., Majka, P., Szczupak, D., Sanz Perl, Y., Chern-Chyi Yen, C., Tong, C., Feng, F., Jiang, H., Glen, D., Deco, G., G. P. Rosa, M.*, C. Silva, A.*, Liang, Z.* & Liu, C.*, 2022
  • Multimodal analysis demonstrating the shaping of functional gradients in the marmoset brain., Tong, C., Liu C., Zhang, K., Bo, B., Xia, Y., Yang, H., Feng, Y.*, & Liang, Z.*, 2022
  • Whole-brain mapping of mouse CSF flow via HEAP-METRIC phase-contrast MRI., Li, J., Pei, M., Bo, B., Zhao, X., Cang, J., Fang, F., Liang, Z.*, 2022
  • Aberrant brain functional and structural developments in MECP2 duplication rats., Xu, M., Qi, S., Calhoun, V., Dai, J., Yu, B., Zhang, K., Pei, M., Li, C., Wei, Y., Jiang, R., Zhi, D., Huang, Z., Qiu, Z., Liang, Z.*,. Sui, J.*, 2022
  • Cold-sensitive ventromedial hypothalamic neurons control homeostatic thermogenesis and social interaction-associated hyperthermia., Feng, C., Wang, Y., Zha, X., Cao, H., Huang, S., Cao, D., Zhang, K., Xie, T., Xu, X.*, Liang, Z.*, Zhang, Z.*, 2022
  • Constructing the hierarchy of predictive auditory sequences in the marmoset brain., Jiang, Y., Komatsu, M., Chen, Y., Xie, R., Zhang, K., Xia, Y., Gui, P., Liang, Z*., Wang, L., 2022
  • High-resolution relaxometry-based calibrated fMRI in murine brain: Metabolic differences between awake and anesthetized states., Xu, M., Bo, B., Pei, M., Chen, Y., Shu, C. Y., Qin, Q., Hirschler, L., Warnking, J. M., Barbier, E. L., Wei, Z., Lu, H., Herman, P., Hyder, F., Liu, Z. J., Liang Z.*., & Thompson, G. J., 2021
  • Having infants in the family group promotes altruistic behavior of marmoset monkeys., Huang,J.,Cheng,X.,Zhang,S.,Chang,L.,Li,X.,Liang,Z.,* & Gong,N.*, 2020
  • Full activation pattern mapping by simultaneous deep brain stimulation and fMRI with graphene fiber electrodes., Zhao, S., Li, G., Tong, C., Chen, W., Wang, P., Dai, J., Fu, X., Xu, Z., Liu, X., Lu, L., Liang Z.* & Duan, X.*, 2020
  • Sensory evoked fMRI paradigms in awake mice., Chen X.,Tong C.,Han Z.,Zhang K.,Bo B.,Feng Y.,Liang Z.*, 2020
  • Differential coupling between subcortical calcium and BOLD signals during evoked and resting state through simultaneous calcium fiber photometry and fMRI., Tong,C.,Dai,JK.,Chen,Y., Zhang,K.,Feng,Y.*,Liang Z.*, 2019
  • Awake and behaving mouse fMRI during Go/No-Go task., Han, Z., Chen, W., Chen, X., Zhang, K., Tong, C., Zhang, X., Li, C.*, Liang, Z.*., 2019
  • Simultaneous GCaMP6-based Fiber Photometry and fMRI in Rats., Liang, Z., Ma, Y., Watson, GDR., Zhang, N., 2017
  • Time to wake up: Studying neurovascular coupling and brain-wide circuit function in the un-anesthetized animal., Gao, YR., Ma, Y., Zhang, Q., Winder AT., Liang, Z., Antinori L, Drew, PJ., Zhang, N., 2017
  • Interhemispheric resting-state functional connectivity of the claustrum in the awake and anesthetized states., Smith, JB., Liang, Z., Watson, GD., Alloway, KD., Zhang, N., 2017
  • Effects of low doses of pioglitazone on resting-state functional connectivity in conscious rat brain., Crenshaw, DG., Asin, K., Gottschalk, WK., Liang, Z., Zhang, N., Roses, AD., 2015
  • Mapping the functional network of medial prefrontal cortex by combining optogenetics and fMRI in awake rats., Liang, Z.*, Watson, GD.*, Alloway, KD., Lee, G., Neuberger, T., Zhang, N., 2015
  • Dynamic resting state functional connectivity in awake and anesthetized rodents., Liang, Z., Liu, X., Zhang, N., 2015
  • Genetic influences on resting-state functional networks: A twin study., Fu, Y., Ma, Z., Hamilton, C., Liang, Z., Hou, X., Ma, X., Hu, X., He, Q., Deng, W., Wang, Y., Zhao, L., Meng, H., Li, T., Zhang, N., 2015
  • Neuroplasticity to a single-episode traumatic stress revealed by resting-state fMRI in awake rats., Liang, Z., King, J., Zhang, N., 2014
  • Mapping thalamocortical networks in rat brain using resting-state functional connectivity., Liang, Z., Li, T., King, J., Zhang, N., 2013
  • Intrinsic organization of the anesthetized brain., Liang, Z., King, J., Zhang, N., 2012
  • Anticorrelated resting-state functional connectivity in awake rat brain., Liang, Z., King, J., Zhang, N., 2012
  • Uncovering intrinsic connectional architecture of functional networks in awake rat brain., Liang, Z., King, J., Zhang, N., 2011
  • Mapping resting-state brain networks in conscious animals., Zhang, N., Rane, P., Huang, W., Liang, Z., Kennedy, D., Frazier, JA., King, J., 2010
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