Areas of Focus
- 长时程突触可塑性中的神经信号通路
- 记忆、学习形成的细胞机制
Work Experience
- 2007.7-至今: 复旦大学脑科学研究院,高级PI
- 2005.4-2007.6: 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,研究科学家
- 2005.1-2005.3: 日本埼玉Riken脑科学研究所,研究科学家
- 2000.2-2004.12: 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,组长
- 1996.1-1998.12: 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,研究科学家
- 1994.10-1995.12: 德国马格德堡莱布尼兹神经生物学研究所,博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1983-1988: 俄罗斯鞑靼斯坦喀山大学生理系
- 1994: 柏林自由大学博士
- Positive Regulatory Domain I-binding Factor 1 Mediates Peripheral Nerve Injury-induced Nociception in Mice by Repressing Kv4.3 Channel Expression., Wang CJ, Pan YC, Zhang WW, Chen Y, Li CH, Zhao F, Behnisch T, 2021
- Direct medial entorhinal cortex input to hippocampal CA3 is crucial for eEF2K inhibitor-induced neuronal oscillations in the mouse hippocampus., Liu ZY, Peng C, Zhuang YH, Chen Y, Behnisch T, 2020
- Enhanced expression of secreted alpha-klotho in the hippocampus alters nesting behavior and memory formation in mice., Li DX, Jing DQ, Liu ZY, Chen Y, Huang F, Behnisch T, 2019
- Long-term population spike-timing-dependent plasticity promotes synaptic tagging but not cross-tagging in rat hippocampal area CA1S., Pang KKL, Sharma M, Krishna-K K, Behnisch T, Sajikumar S, 2019
- The role of 19S proteasome associated deubiquitinases in activity-dependent hippocampal synaptic plasticity., Yun D, Zhuang YH, Kreutz MR, Behnisch T, 2018