Areas of Focus
- 转录调控与细胞命运决定
- 人类生殖细胞的发育及体外发生
- 干细胞疾病模型的建立
Work Experience
- 2011至2014年 - 斯坦福大学医学院 - 博士后研究
- 2014至2019年 - 蒙大拿州立大学 - 研究科学家
- 2019年至今 - 中国科学技术大学 - 特任教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2011年 - 计算与系统生物学博士: 新加坡国立大学与美国麻省理工大学
- 在《Nature Cell Biology》、《Nature Communications》和《Cell Reports》期刊发表研究成果
- A PAX5-OCT4-PRDM1 developmental switch specifies human primordial germ cells, Fang F, Angulo B, Xia N, Sukhwani M, Wang Z, Carey CC, Mazurie A, Cui J, Wilkinson R, Wiedenheft B, Surani AM, Orwig KE, Reijo Pera RA, 2018
- A distinct isoform of ZNF207 controls self-renewal and pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells in conjunction with master transcription factors, Fang F, Xia N, Angulo B, Carey J, Durruthy-Durruthy J, Sebastiano V, Bennett T, Reijo Pera RA, 2018
- A Knock-In Reporter allows purification and characterization of mDA neurons from heterogeneous populations, Xia N, Fang F, Zhang P, Cui J, Tep-Cullison C, Hamerley T, Lee HJ, Palmer T, Bothner B, Lee HJ, Reijo Pera RA, 2017
- Transcriptional comparison of human induced and primary midbrain dopaminergic neurons, Xia N, Zhang P, Fang F, Wang Z, Rothstein M, Augulo B, Chiang R, Taylor J, Reijo Pera RA, 2016
- Coactivators p300/CBP regulate self-renewal in embryonic stem cells by mediating long-range chromatin structure, Fang F, Xu Y, Chen X, Ng HH, Matsudaira P, 2014