Areas of Focus
- 肿瘤分子细胞生物学
- 细胞凋亡和程序性细胞死亡
Work Experience
- 1997-2000年 - 以色列魏茨曼科学研究所 - 博士后
- 2000-2006年 - 美国哈佛大学医学院 - 博士后
- 2006年至今 - 厦门大学生命科学学院 - 教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1985年 - 北京大学岩矿及地球化学专业,学士学位
- 1988年 - 北京大学地球化学专业,硕士学位
- 1995年 - 北京师范大学细胞生物学专业,博士学位
- N-Myc-interacting protein (NMI) negatively regulates epithelial-mesenchymal transition by inhibiting the acetylation of NF-κB/p65., Hou J, Wang T, Xie Q, Deng W, Yang JY, Zhang SQ, Cai JC., 2016
- Hsp90 modulates the stability of MLKL and is required for TNF-induced necroptosis., Zhao XM, Chen Z, Zhao JB, Zhang PP, Pu YF, Jiang SH, Hou JJ, Cui YM, Jia XL, Zhang SQ., 2016
- NMI mediates transcription-independent ARF regulation in response to cellular stresses., Li Z, Hou J, Sun L, Wen T, Wang L, Zhao X, Xie Q, Zhang SQ., 2012
- Shp2 regulates Src family kinase activity and Ras/Erk activation by controlling Csk recruitment., Si Qing Zhang, Wentian Yang, Maria I. Kontaridis, Trever G. Bivona, Gengyun Wen, Toshiyuki Araki, Jincai Luo, Julie A. Thompson, Burkhart L. Schraven, Mark R. Philips, & Benjamin G. Neel., 2004
- Receptor-Specific Regulation of PI-3K Activation by the Protein-Tyrosine Phosphatase Shp2., Si Qing Zhang, William G. Tsiaras, Toshiyuki Araki, Gengyun Wen, Liliana Minichiello, Ruediger Klein, & Benjamin G. Neel., 2002
- Recruitment of the IKK Signalosome to the p55 TNF Receptor: RIP and A20 Bind to NEMO (IKKg) upon Receptor Stimulation., Si Qing Zhang, Andrew Kovalenko, Giuseppina Cantarella & David Wallach., 2000
- How are the regulators regulated? The search for mechanisms that impose specificity on induction of cell death and NF-kappaB activation by members of the TNF/NGF receptor family., Wallach D, Arumugam TU, Boldin MP, Cantarella G, Ganesh KA, Goltsev Y, Goncharov TM, Kovalenko AV, Rajput A, Varfolomeev EE, Zhang SQ., 2002
- Shp2 regulates the relocalization of Gab1 in EGF signaling pathway., Si Qing Zhang & Benjamin G. Neel., 2001
- 8-Chloroadenosine induces various tumor cell death by apoptosis., Zhang SQ, Zheng DX, Liu SL, Zheng P, Min JM, Zhang LH., 1998
- Z-ajoene induces tumor cell death by apoptosis., Zhang SQ, Zhao S, Min JM, Wang K, Liu SL, Zheng DX., 1998
- Organosulfur compound z-ajoene from garlic extract induced apoptosis in various human tumor cell lines., Zhang, S. Q. & Zheng, D. X., 1996
- Cell cycle regulation., Zhang, S. Q. & Wang, Y. C., 1996
- Control of cell cycle., Zhang, S. Q. & Wang, Y. C., 1994