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Life Science
Language: 英语, 中文, 德语
衰老 分子机制 秀丽隐杆线虫 模式生物 应激反应 基因功能 调控 细胞周期 酵母 线虫
Areas of Focus
  • 利用秀丽隐杆线虫为模式生物研究衰老的分子机制
  • 以秀丽隐杆线虫为模式生物研究与应激反应相关基因的功能及调控机制
  • 以酵母及线虫为模式生物研究细胞周期调控机制
Work Experience
  • 1994-1997 - 北京农学院 - 助教/讲师
  • 2002-2006 - 美国麻省大学医学院 - 博士后
  • 2007至今 - 厦门大学生命科学学院 - 副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1991年 - 生物学学士学位:东北师范大学
  • 1994年 - 生物学硕士学位:东北师范大学
  • 2001年 - 生物学博士学位:科隆大学
  • Dnt1 acts as a mitotic inhibitor of the spindle checkpoint protein dma 1 in fission yeast., Wang, Y., Li, W-Z., Johnson A. E., Luo Z-Q., Sun X-L., Feoktistova A., McDonald W. H., McLeod I., Yates III J. R., Gould K. L., McCollum D., and Jin, Q-W., 2012
  • A novel role of Dma1 in regulating forespore membrane assembly and sporulation in fission yeast., Li, W-Z., Yu, Z-Y., Ma, P-F., Wang, Y., Jin, Q-W., 2010
  • C. elegans 14-3-3 proteins regulate life span and interact with SIR-2.1 and DAF-16/FOXO., Wang, Y., Oh, S. W., Deplancke, B., Luo, J., Walhout, A. J. M., Tissenbaum H. A., 2006
  • Overlapping and distinct functions for a Caenorhabditis elegans SIR2 and DAF-16/FOXO., Wang, Y., Tissenbaum, H. A., 2006
  • Genetics of barley hooded suppression., Roig, C., Pozzi, C., Santi, L., Muller, J., Wang, Y., Stile, M.R., Rossini, L., Stanca, M., Salamini, F., 2004
  • The GA octodinucleotide repeat binding factor BBR participates in the transcriptional regulation of the homeobox gene Bkn3., Santi, L., Wang, Y., Stile, M.R., Berendzen, K., Wanke, D., Roig, C., Pozzi, C., Müller, K., Müller, J., Rohde, W., Salamini, F., 2003
  • Expression analyses of barley Knox homeobox genes and characterization of putative upstream regulators of BKn3 (Barely Knox 3), the Hooded gene., Wang, Y., 2001
  • In vitro interaction between barley TALE homeodomain proteins suggest a role of protein-protein associations in the regulation of Knox gene function., Müller, J., Wang, Y., Franzen, R., Santi, L., Salamini, F. and Rohde, W., 2001
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