Areas of Focus
- 体外诊断新技术
- 细胞识别、富集与成像
- 高通量单细胞测序
- 微流控技术在生物医学中的应用
- 生物医学仪器
Work Experience
- 2007~至今 - 厦门大学化学化工学院
- 2006~2007 - 美国加州大学伯克利分校,博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2006年 - 博士:美国佛罗里达大学
- 2001年 - 硕士:厦门大学
- 1998年 - 学士:厦门大学
- Aptamer Blocking Strategy Inhibits SARSCoV2 Virus Infection, Sun, M; Liu, S; Wei, X; Wan, S; Huang, M; Song, T; Lu, Y; Weng, X; Zhu, L; Chen, H*; Song, Y*; Yang, C*, 2021
- Imaging Commensal Microbiota and Pathogenic Bacteria in the Gut, Lin, L; Du, Y; Song, J; Wang, W*; Yang,C*, 2021
- Tracing Tumor-derived Exosomal PD-L1 by Dual-aptamer Activated Proximity-induced Droplet Digital PCR, Lin, B; Tian, T; Lu, Y; Liu, D; Huang, M; Zhu, L; Zhu, Z; Song, Y*; Yang, C*, 2021
- Aptamer-Based Detection of Circulating Targets for Precision Medicine, Wu, L; Wang, Y; Xu,X; Liu, Y; Lin, B; Zhang, M, Zhang, J; Wan, S; Yang, C*; Tan, W*, 2021
- Activation of Aptamers with Gain-of-Function by Small-Molecule Clipping of Intramolecular Motifs, Huang, M#; Li,T#; Xu, Y; Wei, X; Song, J; Lin,B; Zhu, Z; Song, Y*; and Yang, C*, 2021
- Digital-WGS: automated, highly efficient whole-genome sequencing of single cells by digital microfluidics, Ruan, Q; Ruan, W; Lin, X; Wng, Y; Zou, F; Zhou, L; Zhu, Z, Yang, C*, 2020
- Revealing the in vivo growth and division patterns of mouse gut bacteria, Lin, L; Wu, Q; Song, J; Du, Y; Gao, J; Song, Y; Wang, W*; Yang, C*, 2020
- Highly Parallel and Efficient Single Cell mRNA Sequencing with Paired Picoliter Chambers, Zhang, M; Zou, Y; Xu, X; Zhang, X; Gao, M; Song, J; Huang, P; Chen, Q; Zhu, Z; Lin, W; Zare, R; Yang, C*, 2020
- Three-dimensional Quantitative Imaging of Native Microbiota Distribution in the Gut, Wang, W*; Zhang, N; Du, Y; Gao, J; Li, M; Lin, L; Czajkowsky, D; Li, X*; Yang, C*; Shao, Z, 2020
- DNA Nanolithography Enables Highly Ordered Recognition Interface in Microfluidic Chip for Efficient Capture and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells, Zhang, J; Lin, B; Wu, L; Huang, M; Li, X; Zhang, H; Song, J; Wang, W; Zhao, G*; Song, Y*; Yang, C*, 2020
- Quantification of Bacterial Metabolic Activities in the Gut by D-Amino Acid-based in vivo Labeling, Lin, L; Song, J; Du, Y; Wu, Q; Gao, J; Song, Y; Yang, C*; Wang, W*, 2020
- Fluidic Multivalent Membrane Nanointerface Enables Synergetic Enrichment of Circulating Tumor Cells with High Efficiency and Viability, Wu, L; Ding, H; Qu, X; Shi, X; Yang, J; Huang, M; Zhang, J; Zhang, H; Song, J; Zhu, L; Song, Y*; Ma, Y*; Yang, C*, 2020
- Homogeneous, Low-volume, Efficient and Sensitive Quantitation of Circulating Exosomal PD-L1 for Cancer Diagnosis and Immunotherapy Response Prediction, Huang, M; Yang, J; Wang, T; Song, J; Xia, J; Wu, L; Wang, W; Wu, Q; Zhu, Z; Song, Y*; Yang, C*, 2020
- Metabolic Labeling of Peptidoglycan with NIR-II Dye Enables in vivo Imaging of Gut Microbiota, Wang, W; Yang, Q; Du, Y, Zhou, X, Du, X, Wu, Q, Lin, L, Song, Y, Li, F, Yang, C*, Tan, W*, 2020
- Assessing the Viability of Transplanted Gut Microbiota by Sequential Tagging with D-Amino acid-based Metabolic Probes, Wang, W; Lin, L; Du, Y; Song, Y; Peng, X; Chen, X*; Yang, C*, 2019
- Control of capillary behavior through target-responsive hydrogel permeability alteration for sensitive visual quantitative detection, Li, Y; Ma, Y; Jiao, X; Li, T; Lv, Z; Yang, C*; Zhang, X*; Wen, Y*, 2019
- Bioinspired Engineering of Multivalent Aptamer-Functionalized Nanointerface to Enhance Capture and Release of Circulating Tumor Cells, Song, Y; Shi, Y; Huang, M; Wang, W; Wang, Y; Cheng, J; Lei, Z; Zhu, Z; Yang, C*, 2019
- A Synthetic Light-Driven Substrate Channeling System for Precise Regulation of Enzyme Cascade Activity Based on DNA Origami, Chen, Y; Ke, G*; Ma, Y; Zhu, Z; Liu, M; Liu, Y; Yan, H*; Yang, C*, 2018
- Isolation, Detection and Antigen Based Profiling of Circulating Tumor Cells Using a Size Dictated Immunocapture Chip, Gashaw, M; Abate, M; Song, Y; Zhu, Z; Yan, F; Xu, Y; Wang, X; Li, Q; Yang, C*, 2017
- Hydrogel Droplet Microfluidics for High-Throughput Single Molecule/Cell Analysis, Zhu, Z; Yang, C*, 2017
- Directional Regulation of Enzyme Pathways via the Control of Substrate Channeling on a DNA Origami Scaffold, Ke, G; Liu, M; Jiang, S; Qi, X; Yang, Y, Wootten S; Zhang, F; Zhu, Z; Liu, Y*; Yang, C*; Yan H*, 2016
- Translating Molecular Recognition into Pressure Signal for Rapid, Sensitive, and Portable Biomedical Analysis, Zhu, Z; Guan,Z; Liu, D; Jia, S; Li, J; Lei, Z; Lin, S; Ji, T; Tian, Z; Yang, C*, 2015
- Au@Pt Nanoparticle Encapsulated Target-responsive Hydrogel with Volumetric Bar-chart Chip Readout for Quantitative Point-of-care Testing, Zhu Z; Guan, Z; Jia S;Lei Z; Lin, S; Zhang, H; Ma, Y; Tian, Z; Yang, C*, 2014
- A Multifunctional Nanomicelle for Real-Time Targeted Imaging and Precise Near-Infrared Therapy of Cancer, Tan, J; Ding L; Ju H*; Yang Y; Li X; Shen Z; Zhu Z; Yu J*; Yang C*, 2014
- DNA Aptamer-mediated Cell Targeting, Xiong, X; Liu, H; Zhao, Z; Altman, M; Lopez-Colon, D; Yang, C*, Chang, L; Liu, C; Tan, W*, 2013
- Target-responsive “Sweet” Hydrogel with Glucometer Readout: an Effective Method for Portable and Quantitative Detection of Non-glucose Targets, Yan, L; Zhu, Z; Zou, Y; Huang, Y; Liu, D; Jia, S; Xu, D; Wu, M;Zhou, Y; Zhou, S; Yang, C*, 2013
- L-DNA Molecular Beacons: A Safe, Stable, and Accurate Intracellular Nano-thermometer for Temperature Sensing in Living Cells, Ke, G; Wang, C; Ge Y; Zheng, N; Zhu Z; Yang, C*, 2012
- Pyrene Excimer Probes for Nucleic Acids in Complex Biological Fluids Based on Hybridization Chain Reaction Amplification, Huang, J; Wu, Y; Chen, Y; Zhu, Z; Yang, X; Yang, C*; Wang, K*; Tan, W*, 2011
- Aptamer-Crosslinked Hydrogel as a Colorimetric Platform for Visual Detection, Zhu, Z; Wu, C; Liu, H; Zou, Y; Zhang, X; Kang, H; Yang, C*; Tan, W*, 2010
- Hybrid molecular probe for nucleic acid analysis in biological samples, Yang, C; Martinez, K; Lin, H; Tan, W, 2006
- Light-switching excimer probes for rapid protein monitoring in complex biological fluids, Yang, C; Jockusch, S.; Vicens, M.; Turro, N J; Tan, W, 2005
- Molecular assembly of superquenchers in signaling molecular interactions, Yang, C; Lin, H; Tan, W, 2005
- Direct synthesis of an oligonucleotide-poly(phenylene ethynylene) conjugate with a precise one-to-one molecular ratio, Yang, C; Pinto, M; Schanze, K; Tan, W, 2005
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