Areas of Focus
- 克隆参与调控稻米籽粒发育和稻米品质的基因
- 挖掘泛素化调控籽粒大小的新因子
- 植物籽粒发育和稻米品质对环境的响应机制
- A natural gene drive system confers reproductive isolation in rice., 王朝龙等, 2023
- Rice FLOURY ENDOSPERM22, encoding a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is involved in both mitochondrial RNA splicing and editing and is crucial for endosperm development, 杨航等, 2023
- OsMADS1 Regulates Grain Quality, Gene Expressions, and Regulatory Networks of Starch and Storage Protein Metabolisms in Rice, 刘志坚等, 2023
- Tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway regulates plastid-to-nucleus signaling by controlling plastid gene expression in plants, 王云龙等, 2023
- The transcriptional hub SHORT INTERNODES1 integrates hormone signals to orchestrate rice growth and development, 段二超等, 2023
- Fructose-6-phosphate-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatase regulates energy metabolism and synthesis of storage products in developing rice endosperm, 陈晓丽等, 2023