Areas of Focus
- 小麦遗传育种和基因组学
Work Experience
- 2008-至今 - 南京农业大学农学院 - 教师
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2003-2007 南京农业大学生物化学与分子生物学专业博士
- 2001-2003 南京农业大学生物化学与分子生物学专业硕士提前攻博
- 1997-2001 南京农业大学农学院生物技术专业本科
- Fine mapping of KLW1 that conditions kernel weight mainly through regulating kernel length in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 杨洋, 孔忠新, 等, 2023
- FHB resistance conferred by Fhb1 is under inhibitory regulation of two genetic loci in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), 李国强, 孔忠新, 等, 2023
- Fine mapping KT1 on wheat chromosome 5A that conditions kernel dimensions and grain weight, 孔忠新, 等, 2022
- Pyramiding of Fusarium Head Blight Resistance Quantitative Trait Loci, Fhb1, Fhb4, and Fhb5, in Modern Chinese Wheat Cultivars, 张一铎, 孔忠新, 等, 2021
- 基因聚合选育抗赤霉病小麦新品系百农4299, 张一铎, 孔忠新, 等, 2021
- Genetic control of Fusarium head blight resistance in two Yangmai 158-derived recombinant inbred line populations, 严海生, 孔忠新, 等, 2021