Areas of Focus
- 作物遗传育种,特别是小麦分子细胞遗传与育种
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2000.9-2003.8 南京农业大学作物遗传育种博士
- 发表研究论文13篇,申请专利2项
- Cytological and molecular characterization of Thinopyrum bessarabicum chromosomes and structural rearrangements introgressed in wheat, 陈健泳, 唐玉清, 姚乐沙, 吴皓, 涂欣宇, 庄丽芳, 亓增军, 2019
- Frequent variations in tandem repeats pSc200 and pSc119.2 cause rapid chromosome evolution of open-pollinated rye, 郭江涛, 雷彦泓, 张慧婷, 宋丹华, 刘鑫, 曹正兰, 储成艮, 庄丽芳, 亓增军, 2019
- Physical organization of repetitive sequences and chromosome diversity of barley revealed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), 张思宇, 朱敏秋, 尚毅, 王佳奇, 达瓦顿珠, 张金龙, 庄丽芳, 储成艮, 亓增军, 2019
- Research and application progress of plant chromosome mutagenesis, 庄丽芳, 亓增军, 2018
- High-resolution chromosome painting with repetitive and single-copy oligonucleotides in Arachis species identifies structural rearrangements and genome differentiation, 杜培, 李丽娜, 刘华, 付刘洋, 秦林, 张忠信, 崔彩虹, 孙子奇, 韩锁仪, 徐静, 戴晓东, 黄炳炎, 董文钊, 唐丰收, 庄丽芳, 韩永华, 亓增军, 张新友, 2018
- Study on accurate identification of wheat-Thinopyrum bessarabicum alien translocation lines using oligonucleotide probes coating and genome in situ hybridization and molecular marker analysis, 杨骄, 刘志涛, 陈健泳, 王艳芝, 庄丽芳, 亓增军, 2018
- 2005年: 教育部科技进步二等奖
- 2006年: 国家科技进步二等奖
- 2010年: 第六届全国小麦遗传育种学术研讨会青年论坛优秀论文奖