Areas of Focus
- 甘薯优质高效栽培生理生态
- 健康薯苗高效繁育
Work Experience
- 山东农业大学副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 作物栽培学与耕作学博士,山东农业大学
- Response Mechanism of endogenous hormones of potential storage root to phosphorus and its relationship with yield and appearance quality of Sweetpotato, Chengcheng Si, Qinggan Liang, Hongjuan Liu, Qing Liang, 2023
- Potassium-mediated regulation of sucrose metabolism and storage root formation in sweet potato, Furong Du, Hongjuan Liu, Xiubo Yin, Qingxin Zhao, Chunyu Shi, 2021
- A novel sucrose transporter gene IbSUT4 involves in plant growth and response to abiotic stress through the ABF-dependent ABA signaling pathway in Sweetpotato, Dandan Wang, Hongjuan Liu, Hongxia Wang, Peng Zhang, Chunyu Shi, 2020
- Switch from apoplasmic to symplasmic phloem unloading during storage roots formation and bulking of Sweet Potato, Hongjuan Liu, Chengcheng Si, Chunyu Shi, 2019
- Effects of nitrogen forms on carbohydrate metabolism and storage-root formation of sweet potato, Chengcheng Si, Chunyu Shi, Hongjuan Liu, Xiangdong Zhan, Yongchen Liu, 2018
- Influence of two nitrogen forms on hormone metabolism in potential storage roots and storage root number of sweet potato, Chengcheng Si, Chunyu Shi, Hongjuan Liu, 2018
- 硫酸钾对甘薯块根烤后口感品质的影响, 陈龙, 史春余, 孟迪, 许燕, 柳洪鹃, 2021
- 甘薯蔗糖转运蛋白基因IbSUT3的克隆及功能分析, 王丹丹, 柳洪鹃, 王红霞, 张鹏, 史春余, 2020
- 改善土壤通气性促进甘薯源库间光合产物运转的原因解析, 刘永晨, 司成成, 柳洪鹃, 2020
- 全国农牧渔业丰收奖一等奖:优质专用甘薯绿色轻简高效生产技术集成与推广应用,第3位
- 山东省农牧渔丰收奖一等奖:优质专用甘薯绿色高效生产技术集成与推广应用,第4位
- 山东省农业技术推广成果优选计划三等奖:丘陵旱地专用型甘薯绿色高质高效技术集成与推广,第5位
- 山东省农业技术推广服务大竞赛三等奖:丘陵旱地专用型甘薯绿色高质高效技术集成与推广,第5位
- 泰安市科技进步奖二等奖:甘薯新品种泰薯12和泰薯14的选育及高产栽培技术集成与应用,第2位
- 淮海科学技术奖二等奖:甘薯新品种泰薯12和泰薯14的选育及高产栽培技术集成与应用,第2位