Areas of Focus
- 营养调节和生物饲料添加剂
Work Experience
- 2002-至今: 教授
- 1998-2002: 副教授
- 1993-1998: 讲师
- 1990-1993: 助理
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1990: 东北农业大学硕士学位
- 1987: 浙江农业大学学士学位
- Effects of dietary fructoologosaccharide on digestive enzyme activities, intestinal microflora and morphology of growing pigs., Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci., 2002
- Zou Xiao-ting, Lu Jian-jun Effect of Betaine on the regulation of the Lipid metabolism in laying hen, Agricultural Sciences in China, 2002
- Zou Xiao-ting Feng Jie Effect of Betain on the performance of laying hen, Chinese journal of animal science, 2002
- Zou Xiao-ting Feng Jie Advance Of N-methyl-aspartate., Chinese journal of animal science
- Qian li-chun ,Zou xiao-ting, Xu zi-rong ,Xi Gang Effects of various levels of iron on the reproductive performance and biochemical parameters of gestation sow., Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2001
- Zou xiao-ting ,Qian li-chun Effects of dietary zinc on the reproduction performance gestation sow., Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2002
- Zou xiao-ting Effects of betaine on endocrinology of laying hens and its mechanism, Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2001
- Zou xiao-ting, Wang you-ming,Lu jian-jun Effects of Diludin on prevention from fatty liver of laying hensand its mechanism., Chinese Journal of Veterinary Science, 2002
- Zou xiao-ting, Wang you-ming Effect of aspirin on performance of laying hen and egg quality under heat stress., Journal of Zhejiang University, 2002
- Zou xiao-ting,Xu zi-rong,Wang yi-zhen Effects of methylamino acids on growth performance of swinein different stages., Journal of Zhejiang University, 2002
- Zou xiao-ting,Zhu jing-lan,Xu zi-rong,Wang yi-zhen Effects of dietary 1,4-dihydropyridine on fatty liver of laying hens., Journal of Zhejiang University, 2003
- 2001: 省科技进步三等奖(开发和产业化新饲料添加剂以证明蛋生产,主持)
- 2000: 国家科技进步二等奖(开发和产业化浙农I平衡饲料,第三参与者)
- 1996: 省科技进步三等奖(用作饲料添加剂的制霉菌素,主持)