Areas of Focus
- 调和映射的热流
- 辛几何
- 量子奇点理论
Work Experience
- 2010- 北京大学数学科学学院 教授
- 2003-2010 北京大学数学科学学院 副教授
- 2002-2004 Max-planck德国莱比锡研究所 访问学者
- 2000-2002 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院 博士后
- 1998-2000 Max-planck德国莱比锡研究所 博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1991 学士:华中科技大学
- 1994 硕士:吉林大学
- 1998 博士:北京大学
- Existence of the Self-Similar Solutions in the Heat Flow of Harmonic Maps, 范辉军, 1999
- Harmonic Hopf constructions between spheres II, W.Y.Ding, 范辉军, Jiayu Li, 2003
- Novikov-Morse theory for dynamical systems, 范辉军, Juergen Jost, 2003
- Cauchy Problem of Some Doubly Nonlinear Degenerate Parabolic Equations with Datum a Measure, 范辉军, 2004
- Conley index Theory and Novikov-Morse theory, 范辉军, J. Jost, 2005
- Martin points on open manifolds, J. Cao, 范辉军, F. Ledrappier, 2007
- Geometry and analysis of spin equations, 范辉军, T. Jarvis, Y. Ruan, 2008
- The Witten equation and its virtual fundamental cycle, 范辉军, T. Jarvis, Y. Ruan, 2008
- Quantum ring of singularity $X^p+XY^q$, 范辉军, Yefeng Shen, 2009
- Quantum Singularity Theory For $A_{r-1}$ and $r$-Spin Theory, 范辉军, T. Jarvis, Y. Ruan, 2010
- The Witten equation, mirror symmetry and quantum singularity theory, 范辉军, T. Jarvis, Y. Ruan, 2012
- Witten's $D_4$ Integrable Hierarchies Conjecture, 范辉军, T. Jarvis, Y. Ruan, 2011
- Schroedinger equation, deformation theory and tt* geometry, 范辉军, 2011
- Schroedinger equation, deformation theory and DGBV algebra, 范辉军
- 2008 教育部新世纪人才称号
- 2007-2008 北京大学优秀班主任三等奖
- 2005-2006 北京大学优秀班主任二等奖