Areas of Focus
- 免疫疾病等慢病和复杂疾病的遗传和非遗传病因
- 强直性脊柱炎等疾病的早期诊断,精准干预和管理,以及相关方法的开发
- 针对重大传染性疾病和病毒的精准疫苗设计
Work Experience
- 2023.12-至今 - 南方科技大学,公共卫生与应急管理学院,副教授
- 2023.06-2023.12 - 南方科技大学,公共卫生与应急管理学院,助理教授
- 2018-2022 - 昆士兰科技大学,副校长研究员
- 2016-2018 - 昆士兰科技大学,博士后
- 2014-2016 - 昆士兰大学,博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2009-2015 博士: 印第安纳大学 信息学院
- 2005-2009 学士: 中国科学技术大学 生命科学院
- Genotype by sex interactions in ankylosing spondylitis, Li, Z., McRae, A. F., Wang, G., et al., 2023
- HLA-B27, axial spondyloarthritis and survival, Li, Z., Khan, M. K., Linden, S. M. van der, et al., 2023
- Heterogeneity of axial spondyloarthritis: genetics, sex and structural damage matter, Li, Z., Linden, S. M. van der, Khan, M. A., et al., 2022
- Genome wide association study of response to interval and continuous exercise training: the Predict-HIIT study, Williams, C. J., Li, Z., Harvey, N., et al., 2021
- Polygenic Risk Scores have high diagnostic capacity in ankylosing spondylitis, Li, Z., Wu, X., Leo, P. J., et al., 2021
- MHC associations of ankylosing spondylitis in East Asians are complex and involve non-HLA-B27 HLA contributions, Wang, G., Kim, T.-H., Li, Z., et al., 2020
- Genome-wide association study in Turkish and Iranian populations identify rare familial Mediterranean fever gene (MEFV) polymorphisms associated with ankylosing spondylitis, Li, Z., Akar, S., Yarkan, H., et al., 2019
- Progress of genome-wide association studies of ankylosing spondylitis, Li, Z. & Brown, M. A., 2017
- Epigenetic and gene expression analysis of ankylosing spondylitis-associated loci implicate immune cells and the gut in the disease pathogenesis, Li, Z., Haynes, K., Pennisi, D. J., et al., 2017
- Direct prediction of profiles of sequences compatible with a protein structure by neural networks with fragment-based local and energy-based nonlocal profiles, Li, Z., Yang, Y., Faraggi, E., Zhan, J. & Zhou, Y., 2014
- Energy Functions in De Novo Protein Design: Current Challenges and Future Prospects, Li, Z., Yang, Y., Zhan, J., Dai, L. & Zhou, Y., 2013
- 2019 APLAR最佳摘要奖