Areas of Focus
- 遗传流行病学
- 慢性病流行病学
- 伤害流行病学
- 公共卫生教育
Work Experience
- 1997-至今 - 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病学与卫生统计学系 - 助教 (1997-2002), 讲师 (2002-2012), 副教授 (2012-2018), 教授 (2018-至今)
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1992-1997 预防医学学士: 北京医科大学
- 2001-2005 流行病学硕士: 北京大学公共卫生学院
- 2007-2011 流行病学博士: 美国约翰霍普金斯大学公共卫生学院
- Haplotype and Haplotype-Environment Interaction Analysis Revealed Roles of SPRY2 for NSCL/P among Chinese Populations, Zhou R, Wang M, Li W, Wang S, Zheng H, Zhou Z, Hu Y, Li J, Wu T*, Zhu H, Beaty TH, 2019
- Gene-gene interactions among SPRYs for nonsyndromic cleft lip/palate, Zhou R, Wang M, Li W, Wang S, Zhou Z, Li J, Wu T*, Zhu H, Beaty TH, 2019
- Association of short-term exposure to ambient carbon monoxide with hospital admissions in China, Liu H, Tian Y, Xiang X, Li M, Wu Y, Cao Y, Juan J, Song J, Wu T*, Hu Y*, 2018
- Evaluating the effect of nicotinic cholinergic receptor genes on the risk of nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate, Wang M, Liu D, Schwender H, Wang H, Wang P, Zhou Z, Li J, Wu T*, Zhu H, Beaty TH, 2018
- Lower vitamin D status is associated with increased risk of ischemic stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Zhou R, Wang M, Huang H, Li W, Hu Y, Wu T*, 2018
- Evidence of interaction between genes in the folate/homocysteine metabolic pathway in controlling risk of nonsyndromic oral cleft, Wang P, Wu T*, Schwender H, Wang H, Shi B, Wang Z, Yuan Y, Liu D, Wang M, Li J, Zhou Z, Zhu H, Beaty TH, 2018
- Evolution of Public Health Education in China, Wu T, Li L, 2017
- Evidence of gene−environment interaction for two genes on chromosome 4 and environmental tobacco smoke in controlling the risk of non-syndromic cleft palate, Wu T, Schwender H, Ruczinski I, et al., 2014
- Evidence of gene-environment interaction for the RUNX2 gene and environmental tobacco smoke in controlling the risk of cleft lip with/without cleft palate, Wu T, Fallin MD, Shi M, Ruczinski I, Liang KY, Hetmanski JB, Wang H, Huang S, Ye X, Wu-Chou YH, Chen PK, Jabs EW, Shi B, Redett R, Scott AF, Murray JC, Marazita ML, Munger RG, Beaty TH, 2012
- Evidence of gene-environment interaction for the IRF6 gene and maternal multivitamin supplementation in controlling the risk of cleft lip with/without cleft palate, Wu T, Liang KY, Hetmanski JB, Ruczinski I, Fallin MD, Ingersoll RG, Wang H, Huang S, Ye X, Wu-Chou YH, Chen PK, Jabs EW, Shi B, Redett R, Scott AF, Beaty TH, 2010