Areas of Focus
- 老年护理康复
- 老年冠心病患者服药依从性
Work Experience
- 2020/12-2023/11 - 国家重点研发计划-子课题负责人
- 2019/06-2021/12 - 朗泰护理科研基金 - 课题负责人
Academic Background & Achievements
- 博士:香港中文大学
- “Jolly Fat” or “Sad Fat”: a systematic review and meta-analysis of the association between obesity and depression among community-dwelling older adults, 于明明, 史云, 顾力, 王伟, 2021
- A systematic review of self-neglect and its risk factors among community-dwelling older adults, 于明明, 顾力, 史云, 王伟, 2021
- The association between obesity and chronic pain among community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis, 钱明, 史云, 于明明, 2021
- Depression in community-dwelling older adults living alone in China: association of social support network and functional ability, 顾力, 于明明, 徐东, 王强, 王伟, 2020
- Predictors of self-neglect among community-dwelling older adults living alone in China, 于明明, 顾力, 焦伟, 夏红, 王伟, 2019
- Information needs of older people with heart failure: listening to their own voice, 于明明, Chair SY, Chan CWH, Choi KC, 2016
- A health education booklet and telephone follow-ups can improve medication adherence, health-related quality of life, and psychological status of patients with heart failure, 于明明, Chair SY, Chan CWH, Choi KC, 2015
- 2020年:北京大学护理学科青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖、最受学生欢迎奖
- 2019年:北京大学护理学院教学优秀奖
- 2018年:全国高校(医学类)微课教学比赛二等奖
- 2017年:北京高校第十届青年教师教学基本功比赛二等奖