Areas of Focus
- DNA纳米技术
- 工程化外泌体用于疾病早期诊疗
- 生物机械力智能传感器研究
Work Experience
- 2017.07 - 至今: 西安交通大学生命学院特聘研究员,副教授,博士生导师
- 2015.03 - 2017.07: 以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学,博士后(合作导师:Itamar Willner 院士)
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2015 - 物理生物学博士,中科院上海应用物理研究所(导师:胡钧)
- 2005 - 理学学士,苏州大学化学化工学院
- 发表20余篇高水平SCI收录研究论文
- 持有2项中国授权专利
- Functional and Biomimetic DNA Nanostructures on Lipid Membranes, 吴娜;陈峰;赵阳;余欣;魏静;赵永祥, 2018
- Programmed Dissociation of Dimer and Trimer Origami Structures by Aptamer-Ligand Complexes, 吴娜;Willner, I., 2017
- Programming Enzyme-Initiated Autonomous DNAzyme Nanodevices in Living Cells, 陈峰;白明;曹康;赵阳;曹晓伟;魏静;吴娜;李佳;王立华;范春海;赵永祥, 2017
- pH-Stimulated Reconfiguration and Structural Isomerization of Origami Dimer and Trimer Systems, 吴娜;Willner, I., 2016
- DNAzyme-Controlled Cleavage of Dimer and Trimer Origami Tiles, 吴娜;Willner, I., 2016
- Molecular Threading and Tunable Molecular Recognition on DNA Origami Nanostructures, 吴娜;Czajkowsky, D. M.;张建军;曲建新;叶梅;曾大冬;周晓峰;胡钧;邵志峰;李斌;范春海, 2013
- In situ monitoring of single molecule binding reactions with time-lapse atomic force microscopy on functionalized DNA origami, 吴娜;周晓峰;Czajkowsky, D. M.;叶梅;曾大冬;傅亚民;范春海;胡钧;李斌, 2011
- Switchable Reconfiguration of a Seven-Ring Interlocked DNA Catenane Nanostructure, 陆长海;Cecconello, A.;齐晓军;吴娜;Jester, S.-S.;Famulok, M.;Matthies, M.;Schmidt, T.-L.;Willner, I., 2015
- Single-molecule imaging of DNA polymerase I (Klenow fragment) activity by atomic force microscopy, 晁健;张鹏;王强;吴娜;张峰;胡钧;范春海;李斌, 2016
- Programmable Engineering of a Biosensing Interface with Tetrahedral DNA Nanostructures for Ultrasensitive DNA Detection, 林明辉;王建军;周国斌;王建斌;吴娜;陆建新;高建明;陈晓强;史建业;左晓磊;范春海, 2015
- Probing tethered targets of a single biomolecular complex with atomic force microscopy, 吴娜;王强;周晓峰;贾思思;范亚军;胡钧;李斌, 2013
- 2018: 中国分析测试协会科学技术奖一等奖
- 2014: 中国科学院院长优秀奖
- 2013: 博士国家奖学金
- 2013: AFM BioMed Conference(上海)国际会议优秀服务证书
- 2011: Bruker nano 优秀研究生奖