Areas of Focus
- 预防兽医学 - 禽病学
Work Experience
- 1996-至今: 四川农业大学 - 从讲师到教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1988-1993: 四川农业大学兽医专业学士
- 1993-1996: 四川农业大学动物传染病与预防兽医学硕士
- 2000-2003: 扬州大学预防兽医学博士
- Genomic sequence of a Newcastle disease virus isolated from an outbreak in geese: a novel six nucleotide insertion in the non-coding region of the nucleoprotein gene, 黄勇, 2004
- Genetic analysis revealed LX4 genotype strains of avian infectious bronchitis virus became predominant in recent years in Sichuan area, China, 黄勇, 2010
- Two novel neutralizing antigenic epitopes of the s1 subunit protein of a QX-like avian infectious bronchitis virus strain Sczy3 as revealed using a phage display peptide library, 黄勇, 2015
- Phylogenetic and antigenic analysis of avian infectious bronchitis virus in southwestern China, 2012–2016, 黄勇, 2016
- Isolation and molecular characterization of prevalent Fowl adenovirus strains in southwestern China during 2015-2016 for the development of a control strategy, 黄勇, 2017
- Preparation and protective efficacy of a chicken embryo kidney cell-attenuation GI-19/QX-like avian infectious bronchitis virus vaccine, 黄勇, 2018
- Effects of Escherichia coli co-infection on the protective efficacy assessment of two common infectious bronchitis vaccines, 黄勇, 2021
- Molecular characterization of infectious bronchitis virus in Southwestern China for the protective efficacy evaluation of four live vaccine strains, 黄勇, 2021
- The N1038S Substitution and 1153EQTRPKKSV1162 Deletion of the S2 Subunit of QX-Type Avian Infectious Bronchitis Virus Can Synergistically Enhance Viral Proliferation, 黄勇, 2022
- 2000: 四川省科技进步一等奖,禽传染性支气管炎(新变型)综合防治
- 2004: 四川省科技进步一等奖,猪、鸡病原菌耐药性检测及安全高效新兽药研发
- 2009: 四川省教学成果奖(二等),动物传染病学教学改革与国家级精品课程建设
- 2016: 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术进步奖)一等奖,我国新城疫病毒的进化和基因VII型新疫苗的创制
- 2017: 四川省教学成果奖(二等),'三主、三导、三融合'协同的动医专业创新人才培养模式构建与实践