Areas of Focus
- 玉米的分子育种
- 玉米病害抗性
Work Experience
- 2005.11 - 至今 - 主要从事玉米分子育种及其应用基础研究
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2010 - 博士学位: 四川农业大学
- Genetic characterization and linkage disequilibrium mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in maize (Zea mays L.), 史利玉等, 2014
- Identification of promoter motifs regulating ZmeIF4E expression level involved in maize rough dwarf disease resistance in maize (Zea Mays L.), 史利玉等, 2013
- Identification of a major quantitative trait locus for resistance to maize rough dwarf virus in a Chinese maize inbred line X178 using a linkage map based on 514 gene-derived single nucleotide polymorphisms, 史利玉等, 2012
- Comparative QTL mapping of resistance to gray leaf spot in maize based on Bioinformatics, 史利玉等, 2007
- 玉米抗粗缩病毒SCAR分子标记的开发, 史利玉等, 2011