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Life Science
Language: 英语, 汉语
Rna 生物信息学 癌症 系统生物学 数据整合 深度学习 翻译组学 非编码Rna 翻译调控 多组学
Areas of Focus
  • RNA生物信息学与癌症系统生物学
  • 多模态、跨尺度、多组学大数据的整合分析及多级调控网络与机制解析
  • 大规模复杂生物数据的深度学习工具开发
  • 翻译组学的系统、定量分析及翻译调控在肿瘤中的参与机制
  • 非编码转录组的系统分析与非编码RNA生物学功能的系统鉴定
Work Experience
  • 2012-至今 副教授,清华大学生命科学学院
Academic Background & Achievements
  • 1999-2003 清华大学,化学工程系,学士
  • 2003-2009 美国密歇根州立大学,化学工程系/生物化学及分子生物学系,双学科博士
  • 2009-2012 美国哥伦比亚大学,Irving癌症研究中心,系统生物学联合中心,博士后
  • Li, F., Fang, J., Yu, Y., Hao, S., Zou, Q., Zeng, Q., and Yang, X.*, Reanalysis of ribosome profiling datasets reveals a function of rocaglamide A in perturbing the dynamics of translation elongation via eIF4A. Nat Commun, 2023. 14(1): p. 553., 李, F., 方, J., 余, Y., 郝, S., 邹, Q., 曾, Q., 和 杨, X.*, 2023
  • Hu, X., Zou, Q., Yao, L., and Yang, X.*, Survey of the binding preferences of RNA-binding proteins to RNA editing events. Genome Biol, 2022. 23(1): p. 169., 胡, X., 邹, Q., 姚, L., 和 杨, X.*, 2022
  • Li, R. and Yang, X.*, De novo reconstruction of cell interaction landscapes from single-cell spatial transcriptome data with DeepLinc. Genome Biol, 2022. 23(1): p. 124., 李, R. 和 杨, X.*, 2022
  • Wang, Y., Zou, Q., Li, F., Zhao, W., Xu, H., Zhang, W., Deng, H., and Yang, X.*, Identification of the cross-strand chimeric RNAs generated by fusions of bi-directional transcripts. Nat Commun, 2021. 12(1): p. 4645., 王, Y., 邹, Q., 李, F., 赵, W., 徐, H., 张, W., 邓, H., 和 杨, X.*, 2021
  • Wang, X., Hu, X., Song, W., Xu, H., Xiao, Z., Huang, R., Bai, Q., Zhang, F., Chen, Y., Liu, Y., Fang, J., Li, X., Shen, Q., Zhao, H., and Yang, X.*, Mutual dependency between lncRNA LETN and protein NPM1 in controlling the nucleolar structure and functions sustaining cell proliferation. Cell Res, 2021. 31(6): p. 664-683., 王, X., 胡, X., 宋, W., 徐, H., 肖, Z., 黄, R., 白, Q., 张, F., 陈, Y., 刘, Y., 方, J., 李, X., 沈, Q., 赵, H., 和 杨, X.*, 2021
  • Wang, X. and Yang, X.*, A Simple Blocking PCR-Based Method for the Synthesis of High-Copy dsDNA Tandem Repeats. Small, 2020: p. e2003671., 王, X. 和 杨, X.*, 2020
  • Xu, F., Du, W., Zou, Q., Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Xing, X., Li, Y., Zhang, D., Wang, H., Zhang, W., Hu, X., Liu, X., Liu, X., Zhang, S., Yu, J., Fang, J., Li, F., Zhou, Y., Yue, T., Mi, N., Deng, H., Zou, P., Chen, X., Yang, X.*, and Yu, L.*, COPII mitigates ER stress by promoting formation of ER whorls. Cell Res, 2021. 31(2): p. 141-156., 徐, F., 杜, W., 邹, Q., 王, Y., 张, X., 邢, X., 李, Y., 张, D., 王, H., 张, W., 胡, X., 刘, X., 刘, X., 张, S., 余, J., 方, J., 李, F., 周, Y., 岳, T., 米, N., 邓, H., 邹, P., 陈, X., 杨, X.*, 和 余, L.*, 2021
  • Zhu, M., Zou, Q., Huang, R., Li, Y., Xing, X., Fang, J., Ma, L., Li, L., Yang, X.*, and Yu, L.*, Lateral transfer of mRNA and protein by migrasomes modifies the recipient cells. Cell Res, 2021. 31(2): p. 237-240., 朱, M., 邹, Q., 黄, R., 李, Y., 邢, X., 方, J., 马, L., 李, L., 杨, X.*, 和 余, L.*, 2021
  • Lin, Y., Li, F., Huang, L., Polte, C., Duan, H., Fang, J., Sun, L., Xing, X., Tian, G., Cheng, Y.*, Ignatova, Z., Yang, X.*, and Wolf, D.A.*, eIF3 Associates with 80S Ribosomes to Promote Translation Elongation, Mitochondrial Homeostasis, and Muscle Health. Mol Cell, 2020. 79(4): p. 575-587 e7., 林, Y., 李, F., 黄, L., Polte, C., 段, H., 方, J., 孙, L., 邢, X., 田, G., 程, Y.*, Ignatova, Z., 杨, X.*, 和 Wolf, D.A.*, 2020
  • Zou, Q., Xiao, Z., Huang, R., Wang, X., Wang, X., Zhao, H., and Yang, X.*, Survey of the translation shifts in hepatocellular carcinoma with ribosome profiling. Theranostics, 2019. 9(14): p. 4141-4155., 邹, Q., 肖, Z., 黄, R., 王, X., 王, X., 赵, H., 和 杨, X.*, 2019
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