Areas of Focus
- 微分几何
Work Experience
- 2011-08-01—2012-01-15 清华大学,访问学者
- 2014-05-01—2014-07-15 中国科学技术大学,访问学者
- 2012-05-02—2014-04-25 华东师范大学,博士后
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1995-09-01—1999-06-25 浙江大学,数学,理学学士
- 2000-09-01—2006-03-30 浙江大学,数学,理学博士
- Volume preserving flow and Alexandrov-Fenchel type inequalities in hyperbolic space, 陈旭忠, 2021
- Expansion of co-compact convex spacelike hypersurfaces in Minkowski space by their curvature, 陈旭忠, 2015
- Curvature flow in hyperbolic spaces, 陈旭忠, 2017