Areas of Focus
- 实验凝聚态物理
- 低维量子材料的制备与原位表征
- 低维量子器件的制备探索
- 分子束外延、脉冲激光沉积技术、角分辨光电子能谱、扫描隧道显微镜
Work Experience
- 2014/09-2017/09 - 美国斯坦福大学材料与能源科学研究所 - 博士后
- 2017/10-2019/06 - 北京-清华大学未来芯片技术高精尖创新中心 - 助理研究员
- 2019/07-2023/04 - 清华大学物理系 - 助理教授
- 2023/05-至今 - 清华大学物理系 - 副教授
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2004/08-2008/07 学士:清华大学物理系
- 2008/08-2014/07 博士:清华大学物理系
- Quantized anomalous Hall resistivity achieved in molecular beam epitaxy-grown MnBi2Te4 thin films, 冯硝等, 2024
- Investigating and manipulating the molecular beam epitaxy growth kinetics of intrinsic magnetic topological insulator MnBi2Te4 with in-situ angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, 冯硝等, 2020
- Magnetic quantum phase transition in Cr-doped Bi2(SexTe1-x)3 driven by the Stark effect, 冯硝等, 2017
- Thickness Dependence of the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Magnetic Topological Insulator Films, 冯硝等, 2016
- Observation of the Zero Hall Plateau in a Quantum Anomalous Hall Insulator, 冯硝等, 2015
- Disentangling the magnetoelectric and thermoelectric transport in topological insulator thin films, 冯硝等, 2015
- Electrically tuned magnetic order and magnetoresistance in a topological insulator, 冯硝等, 2014
- Experimental Observation of the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in a Magnetic Topological Insulator, 冯硝等, 2013