Areas of Focus
- 开发一种带有囚禁离子的量子器件,用于量子信息处理,包括量子计算,量子模拟和量子精密测量
Work Experience
- 2022/01-至今 - 清华大学物理系, 教授
- 2021/04-2022/01 - 清华大学物理系, 长聘副教授
- 2016/09-2021/04 - 清华大学交叉信息研究院, 长聘副教授
- 2011/02-2016/08 - 清华大学交叉信息研究院, 副教授
- 2008/01-2011/01 - 马里兰大学, 博士后,导师:Chris Monroe
- 2005/08-2007/12 - 因斯布鲁克大学, 博士后,导师:Rainer Blatt
- 2004/02-2005/07 - 国立首尔大学, 博士后,导师:Wonho Jhe
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1998/03-2004/02 国立首尔大学,物理学博士,导师:Wonho Jhe
- 1996/03-1998/02 国立首尔大学,物理学硕士,导师:Wonho Jhe
- 1992/03-1996/02 国立首尔大学,物理学学士
- Double-Electromagnetically-Induced-Transparency Ground-State Cooling of Stationary Two-Dimensional Ion Crystals, 金奇奂等, 2021
- Single ion qubit with estimated coherence time exceeding one hour, 金奇奂等, 2021
- Realization of two-dimensional crystal of ions in a monolithic Paul trap, 金奇奂等, 2020
- Error-mitigated quantum gates exceeding physical fidelities in a trapped-ion system, 金奇奂等, 2020
- Modular quantum computation in a trapped ion system, 金奇奂等, 2019
- Global entangling gates on arbitrary ion qubits, 金奇奂等, 2019
- NOON States of Nine Quantized Vibrations in Two Radial Modes of a Trapped Ion, 金奇奂等, 2018
- Quantum Simulation of the Quantum Rabi Model in a Trapped Ion, 金奇奂等, 2018
- Quantum simulation of molecular spectroscopy in trapped-ion device, 金奇奂等, 2018
- Single-qubit quantum memory exceeding 10-minute coherence time, 金奇奂等, 2017
- Shortcuts to adiabaticity by counterdiabatic driving for trapped-ion displacement in phase space, 金奇奂等, 2016
- Phonon arithmetic in a trapped ion system, 金奇奂等, 2016
- Experimental test of the quantum Jarzynski equality with a trapped-ion system, 金奇奂等, 2015
- State-independent experimental test of quantum contextuality with a single trapped ion, 金奇奂等, 2013