Areas of Focus
- 低维材料体系在低温强磁场下的量子输运特性
Work Experience
- 2014/03-2017/07 博士后:斯坦福大学材料学与工程系(合作导师:崔屹教授)
- 2017/09-2019/12 助理教授:清华大学物理系
- 2019/12-今 副教授:清华大学物理系
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2004/08-2008/07 学士:清华大学物理系
- 2008/09-2014/01 博士:清华大学物理系(导师:王亚愚教授)
- Giant nonlocal edge conduction in the axion insulator state of MnBi2Te4, 张金松, 2023
- Tafel-Kinetics-Controlled High-Speed Switching in a Electrochemical Graphene Field-Effect Transistor, 张金松, 2022
- Gate-tunable magnetoresistance in six-septuple-layer MnBi2Te4., 张金松, 2022
- Magnetic-field-induced robust zero Hall plateau state in MnBi2Te4 Chern insulator, 张金松, 2021
- Large transport gap modulation in graphene via electric-field-controlled reversible hydrogenation, 张金松, 2021
- Robust axion insulator and Chern insulator phases in a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic topological insulator, 张金松, 2020
- Reversible and selective ion intercalation through the top surface of few-layer MoS2, 张金松, 2018
- Electrochemical control of copper intercalation into nanoscale Bi2Se3, 张金松, 2017
- Transport Studies of the Electrical, Magnetic and Thermoelectric properties of Topological Insulator Thin Films, 张金松, 2016
- Lateral and Vertical Two-Dimensional Layered Topological Insulator Heterostructures, 张金松, 2015
- Disentangling the magnetoelectric and thermoelectric transport in topological insulator thin films, 张金松, 2015
- Topology-driven magnetic quantum phase transition in topological insulators, 张金松, 2013
- Experimental observation of the quantum anomalous Hall effect in a magnetic topological insulator, 张金松, 2013
- Thin films of magnetically doped topological insulator with carrier-independent long-range ferromagnetic order, 张金松, 2013
- Crossover between Weak Antilocalization and Weak Localization in a Magnetically Doped Topological Insulator, 张金松, 2012
- Band structure engineering in (Bi1−xSbx)2Te3 ternary topological insulators, 张金松, 2011
- 2020年:求是杰出青年学者奖
- 2020年:亚太物理系学会杨振宁奖
- 2014年:瑞士Chorafa青年研究奖
- 2013年:第八届中国青少年科技创新奖
- 2013年:第十八届清华大学学术新秀