Areas of Focus
- 凝聚态物理
- 高温超导
- 磁性薄膜和纳米材料
- 功能性氧化物薄膜
Work Experience
- 1992-现在,清华大学物理系,副教授
- 2002年 - 美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学物理系访问学者
Academic Background & Achievements
- 1989年 - 清华大学材料系本科毕业
- 1992年 - 清华大学核研院材料专业硕士学位
- 2011年 - 清华大学物理系凝聚态物理专业博士学位
- Design and Performance of a 4.5GHz Circularly Polarized YBa2Cu3O7 Microstrip Antenna, 朱美红等, 1997
- Effects of DC Magnetic Field upon the Properties of a HTS Microstrip Antenna at 4.2K, 朱美红等, 1997
- Power Dependence of Radiation Efficiency of Circularly Polarized YBa2Cu3O7 (YBCO) Microstrip Antennas, 朱美红等, 1997
- Research and Design of High Tc Superconducting Microstrip Antenna Array, 张学霞, 朱美红等, 1997
- Effect of ‘Microwave Window’ on the Performance of High Temperature Superconducting Antenna, 朱美红等, 2000
- Correlation Between the Morphology of Ag and the Contact Resistivity of the Ag/YBa2Cu3O7-d Thin Film Contact, 刘涛, 朱美红等, 2001
- Effect of Li doping on structure and superconducting transition temperature of Mg1-xLixB2, 赵永刚, 朱美红等, 2001
- Effect of oxygen content on the electrical transport property of La0.4Ca0.6MnO3-y, 蔡伟, 朱美红等, 2001
- Design and Performance of a Compact Forward-Coupled HTS Microstrip Filter for a GSM System, 张国勇, 朱美红等, 2002
- Fabrication and laboratory testing of a high-temperature superconducting subsystem for DCS1800 mobile communications, 刘坤, 朱美红等, 2002
- Insulator-metal transition and magnetoresisstance of La0.5Ca0.5MnOy induced by tuning the oxygen content, 赵永刚, 朱美红等, 2002
- Electrical transport and magnetic properties of La0.5Ca0.5MnO3-y with different oxygen contents, 赵永刚, 朱美红等, 2002
- Investigation on the Structure and Superconducting Properties of Mg1-xMxB2 (M=deficiency or Ca), 张学霞, 朱美红等, 2002
- Superconducting MgB2 thin films on silicon carbide substrates by hybrid physical-chemical vapor deposition, 曾晓辉, 朱美红等, 2003
- Raman study of BaxxSr1-xTiO3 films:Evidence for the existence of polar nanoregions, D.A. Tenne, 朱美红等, 2003
- Spin-glass shell and magnetotransport properties of a La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 nanoring network, 朱美红, 赵永刚等, 2007
- 北京市科技三等奖,第二完成人