Areas of Focus
- 凝聚态物理实验
- 量子材料
- 固体材料的电子结构及物理性质
Work Experience
- 2011/10-2014/06 博士后:德国基尔大学
- 2014/07-2016/07 博士后:清华大学物理系(合作导师:陈宇林教授)
- 2016/09-2018/12 助理教授:清华大学物理系
- 2019/01-今 副教授:清华大学物理系
Academic Background & Achievements
- 2002/09-2006/07 学士:复旦大学物理系
- 2006/09-2011/06 博士:复旦大学物理系(导师:封东来教授)
- Crossed Luttinger Liquid Hidden in a Quasi-two-dimensional Material h-Mo4O11, 杨乐仙*, 2022
- Evolution of the Electronic Structure of Ultrathin MnBi2Te4 Films, 杨乐仙*, 2022
- Robust kagome electronic structure in the topological quantum magnets XMn6Sn6 (X = Dy, Tb, Gd, Y), 杨乐仙*, 2022
- Band-selective Holstein polaron in Luttinger liquid material A0.3MoO3 (A = K, Rb), 杨乐仙*, 2021
- Observation of topological superconductivity in a stoichiometric transition metal dichalcogenide 2M-WS2, 杨乐仙*, 2021
- Bypassing the structural bottleneck in the ultrafast melting of electronic order, 杨乐仙*, 2020
- Electronic origin for the enhanced thermoelectric efficiency of Cu2Se, 杨乐仙*, 2020
- Signature for non-Stoner ferromagnetism in the van der Waals ferromagnet Fe3GeTe2, 杨乐仙*, 2020
- Recent advances in topological quantum materials by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, 杨乐仙*, 2020
- Topological Electronic Structure and Its Temperature Evolution in Antiferromagnetic Topological Insulator MnBi2Te4, 杨乐仙*, 2019
- Topological Lifshitz Transitions and Fermi Arc Manipulation in Weyl Semimetal NbAs, 杨乐仙*, 2019
- Evolution of the Fermi surface of Weyl semimetals in the transition metal pnictide family, 杨乐仙*, 2016
- Weyl semimetal phase in the non-centrosymmetric compound TaAs, 杨乐仙*, 2015
- Ultrafast modulation of the chemical potential in BaFe2As2 by coherent phonons, 杨乐仙*, 2014
- Electronic Structure and Unusual Exchange Splitting in the Spin-Density-Wave State of the BaFe2As2 Parent Compound of Iron-Based Superconductors, 杨乐仙*, 2009
- 2011-2012 德国洪堡学者
- 2014-2016 清华大学物理系彭桓武奖学金
- 2015 国家自然科学二等奖
- 2016 清华大学优秀博士后
- 2019, 2022 清华大学物理系优秀教学奖
- 2022 清华大学物理系金锝科研奖励